Not only chefs talk about the benefits of brown sugar. Now and beauticians. Make a very light brown sugar scrub.
Why brown sugar? Not only because of its pellets - this is a great exfoliant that helps exfoliate dead and dry skin cells. Brown sugar has excellent antibacterial properties. It contains glycolic acid, which essentially is an alpha hydroxy acid that helps the process of peeling skin. Alfa-hydro-acids make the skin smooth, soft, healthy and vibrant. And protects against the harmful effects of toxins. Finally, brown sugar delicious smell! It is part of a relaxing aromatherapy, a great tool for the home spa.
Another ingredient scrub, we now recommend - olive oil - moisturizing component, as well as improving the distribution of sugar in the skin. Scrub can be used for the skin of the body and face.
What you need:
- Half a cup of brown sugar
- Three tablespoons of olive oil
- A few drops of water
Mix the ingredients and use! This scrub is suitable for sensitive skin. It is good as a rapid means that soon it will be very important for us, at the time of New Year's time trouble.