Heels: to care for and treat
 "The soul goes to the heel," "Heel lubricated with turpentine ..."
Even Achilles was vulnerable only to heel. In short, the heel has always meant a lot for humanity.

Our ancestors, for example, had a wonderful habit - wash your feet in the evening . People believed that water is not only washes away dirt and fatigue, but still superficial, unnecessary, and even harmful, what happened that day. According to the old beliefs, if the night is good to wash the feet, especially the heels, it will be scary slander, corruption and just someone's unkind thoughts.

Actually, modern doctors say that keep your feet in a basin of warm water for 10-15 minutes in the evening is very helpful.

In ancient times in Russia masters "scratched heel" serfs. That is, it was a foot massage, after which it was easier to get to sleep, and the whole body has tangible benefits. Farmers' scratched heel "of their children. Of course, in today's world there is no fortress, and ashamed to exploit children, so massage the entire foot and heels for a night to do themselves.

 Heels: to care for and treat
   Even in ancient times it was known that the feet are projected all the vital organs and systems. It is useful not just to massage, but also rubbed into the feet clean any vegetable oil . Almost any vegetable oil contains vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant and rejuvenates the skin. For greater effect, in olive oil, sunflower oil, linseed oil can be added 1-2 drops of rose oil. If you do this procedure constantly that the body will be in good shape. During the winter colds, virus circulation, susceptibility to all kinds of fungus - tea tree oil. Those who suffer from depression, anxiety, better add jasmine oil. For a restful sleep - lavender oil. Before the night of love - oil of ylang-ylang.

Many, especially in the summer, torture cracked heels . When walking, the pain is felt. This happens because of the uncomfortable shoes, hyperhidrosis, dry skin. Worst of all, the germs get into the cracks and threaten various diseases. To prevent the formation of cracks, it is necessary to wear comfortable shoes, do not take a hot bath and soak in water for hours and only use a mild soap. If you have dry skin does not keep the heel for a long time in the sun, for example, on the beach.

If the crack on the heels of already formed, they should be treated. Folk remedies for cracks:

- Healers recommend mix 2 tbsp. tablespoons flour and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, mix, knead and form a cake. Pribintovat it on all night to pre-steamed heels. Top wear cotton socks. And to do it every night before bed until the crack will not heal.

- There are also more complex composition cakes. Mix onion juice, aloe, fish oil, and fill up as much flour to knead the cake and put a crack in the heel.

- Heels and treated using garlic. 2-3 cloves of garlic, crushed, mixed with honey and spoon 1st Class 1 dessert spoon of vegetable oil, stir and put on the washed pulp, steamed leg bandage, put on socks and leave overnight. In the morning wash your feet in warm water and lubricate fat cream, put on socks or stockings x. / B. And so on until cracks disappear.

- If the cracks are not too deep, then get rid of them you can with the help of sea buckthorn oil. Washed feet every night lubricating oil of sea buckthorn. And if you can, then apply oil to crack during the day.

- If the cracks are deep, the garlic to cook in a small amount of milk, so that it will only cover your teeth, remove from heat, crush, add a little butter and a bandage for the night to the soles of his feet.

- In the old days for the treatment of fractures often used lard. Salo chop and melt on a clean pan, brush with hot fat pre-steamed heels.

If you happen that national treatment does not work, be sure to consult your doctor dermatologist.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva