In winter, in order to distinguish fresh tanned face, in the summer, so as not to stand out in white on the beach, artificial UV tanning seems a very practical solution. Meanwhile, the cabin of ultraviolet irradiation is unsafe, and all fans of tanning does not hurt to know a few precautions.
Ultraviolet rays and sunburn.
Apparatus for tanning, which are in the beauty institute: a lamp for the face or a bed-solariums emit UV-A rays (and in a very low quantity of rays UV-B). These ultraviolet rays naturally emitted by the sun. And that in order to be protected from ultraviolet radiation, has developed our body's natural defense system - tan.
The Institute, Sun machines emit any UV-A high pressure: for face and bust (with filter) or UV-A low pressure - for the body. Rays of high pressure have a quick result. The pigmentation of the skin after exposure UV-A - this is a secondary reaction to the skin, it is a fake, not a sunburn, which is designed to protect us from the rays of UV-B.
As for a natural tan, any abuse of the artificial tanning is harmful.
What are the dangers?
The radiation unit UV tanning can affect the skin and eyes. This depends on the quality and intensity of irradiation, as well as on the individual sensitivity of the skin. The artificial tan does not exclude the risk of premature aging of the skin, burns and long-term skin cancer. It can also trigger inflammation of the cornea and cataracts.
Better is to use these devices under control, in a strict dosage, ie in the institute, under the supervision of a beautician or a dermatologist.
What precautions do not interfere in the solarium?
New regulations on tanning devices (adopted in May 1997) provides some security to consumers: on planned inspections of good state aids, hygiene, and safety precautions when using them.
The Institute cosmetologist, specialist in UV, is to inquire, first of all, about the possible medical treatment that takes or took in the near past clients: whether there is in his medication drugs that have the effect of photo-sensitivity, and cerebral dilators, medicines for high blood pressure, diuretics, etc.
List of drugs (food and spirits) are incompatible with UV-A radiation, stated in the documentation on the unit. But ask them to show it to you before you decide to take an artificial ultraviolet radiation. It is necessary!
And in the case of pregnancy, be sure to ask for recommendations from your gynecologist!
Warning: very light skin!
Conscientious beautician otsovetuet owner of very light skin (celtic type) UV irradiation, and for other clients, he carefully select the number of sessions and their duration - and depending on the nature of their skin.
In principle, a European-style leather suggested to start with short sessions of 5 to 8 minutes, then gradually increase the duration to 20 minutes (max!)
It is necessary to make a break for 24 hours between the two sessions, and never more than 20 sessions (10 sessions for light skin) for a maximum of 20 minutes each per year.
Some institutions offer an annual individual browsing history, which allows to control and to avoid abuse.
Warning: your eyes!
Eyelids do not protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. The institute you should definitely provide for session impenetrable glasses, but in the centers with inadequate service points are not always available.
Ordinary sunglasses - even very dark - absolutely insufficient and maladjusted. And eye problems can be a result of serious and sometimes irreparable.
Do I need sunblock in the solarium?
UV-A rays do not cause sunstroke in contrast UV-B, therefore, sunscreen, in principle, not necessary. In addition to protecting some particularly sensitive areas of your skin.
Use a neutral overall cream, and most importantly - not flavored!
Of course, it is absolutely not recommended to use tanning accelerators that can cause burns. On the contrary, capsules multivitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants, created specifically for the skin, can be useful, as opposed to tanning accelerators, because they protect and maintain skin hydration.
At the end of the session it is recommended to apply a good moisturizer to soothe the skin.