Cosmetic clay. Dossier.
 Everyone knows that this clay! Everyone knows that this clay? This is one of the most popular drugs in cosmetology, because it has a mass of useful properties. Clay is used in cosmetics, it is a part of some drugs used in physiotherapy. What it owes much wider application? And all the clay suitable for use?

From the depths of the earth and the centuries

First, the clay - a sedimentary rock formation that occurs in the course of millennia. What we now have in your hands - the result of complex geological processes. A value of clay is just in its mineral composition.

The fundamental elements of clay - is aluminum and silicon in oxide form, secondary - magnesium, calcium, potassium. The overwhelming mass of gray clay. In cosmetology and medicine are also used white, blue, pink, green clay - these shades are due to impurities different ions. For example, iron ions, depending on the valency, can impart clay following shades: green, blue, red, brown. Cobalt ions - pink. Chromium and manganese ions - green, purple or red. The titanium ions - blue or purple. Jonah nickel and copper - green, and the ions of uranium - yellow or orange.

List can be long, since clays do very much. The solid chemistry - some would say. I will not argue - in fact the case. Each of these elements gives a certain "burden" on the properties of ordinary, seemingly clay.

Incidentally, the deeper layers of the clay are deposited, so it is valuable in terms contained therein minerals.   According to experts, the most intense and most pure in microbial against clay lies at 30 meters from the ground. Of course, these beds are hard, so the clay from different places such a high price. Most often in pharmacies and cosmetic stores you can buy clay extracted from a depth of 10-15 meters. These clays may be of different colors and different therapeutic activity. Finally, the clay, which lies near the soil surface, can in some cases even dangerous to use for people with skin diseases or prone to allergies, because in such clays may contain impurities - nitrates, pesticides and other products of human activities ...

On labels, unfortunately, in most cases, does not specify the origin of the clay and the degree of purification, so that even people with healthy skin irritation can earn. In addition, the clay may contain microbes, which also contribute to the skin inflammation. Most often, doctors are faced with streptococcal skin infections resulting from the use of contaminated (untreated) clays.

About Substances clay

Aluminium oxide   composed of clay astringent, Dries properties, eliminates excessive acidity of the skin - all of this is important for oily and combination skin.

Silicon (in oxide form)   necessary for normal functioning of the surface layer of the skin, strengthens blood vessels, has a soothing effect, gives the skin flexibility, strengthens it. Some French laboratories have proved the involvement of silicon to stimulate its own synthesis of collagen fibers in the skin, and hence the effectiveness of anti-aging skin.

Copper, calcium and zinc,   - Wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects, manganese and magnesium   - Action against free radicals.

Given that all these elements are in the clay in a chemically bound state, the effects of each other may be increased. In fact, the clay mineral composition reminiscent of thermal waters, but much more concentrated.

Use of clay

So, the basic property of clay, which is actively exploited in cosmetics - a very good adsorption activity . In simple terms, the clay on the surface of the skin acts like a sponge, absorbing excess skin selection (sebum, for example), eliminates exfoliate the epidermis, has a slight local irritating effect (which is why after the masks out of clay redness of the skin). This does not mean that drugs based on clay can not be applied to people with dry skin - on the contrary, special masks significantly soften the skin, nourish the essential trace elements and strengthen it, just in case you need to make a clay mask with the addition of other components (eg, olive, peach or other oils).

Of course, you can not forget about anti-cellulite body wraps by clay . It should be noted that the most effective they are, nevertheless, in the case of professional use, but not at home use. In addition to these procedures, there are definite contraindications - varicose veins, for example.

Clays used in physical therapy, alone or in combination with electrophoresis - in this case is provided by the action of the internal organs.

Some types of clay used for the manufacture of medicaments , Using the maximum adsorption properties. If the drug is taken orally, it acts as a well-known activated carbon - absorbs toxins. Naturally, in this case using clay marked "health", that is, specially cleaned, prepared, past clinical trials.
Author: Olga Zorina