Sports gadgets, or to diversify training
 In that sport should be an integral part of modern life, has almost no one doubts. To be healthy, you need to get rid of the solid stuff, and to get rid of the solid trash - you need to move more and eat healthy food moderately. Fortunately, this simple formula has adopted a slogan for the current generation, whose trips to the gym and fitness training have become the norm.

More and more adults can be found on a morning jog around the stadium, engaged in street simulators, and some even commendable organizes itself in order to save time and money involved in sports at home. Fortunately for the latter - the network has a huge number of proposals in the form of detailed illustrated descriptions of effective integrated sports training and even video series demonstrates the subtleties of exercises for different muscle groups.

Variety of sports training at home can be and with the help of sports equipment. To do this, it is not necessary to allocate a lot of money on home gym equipment. There are a number of simple and accessible sports gadgets that will bring variety to the usual training, increase the motivation to exercise, which ultimately have a positive impact on their effectiveness. Let us gather together our budget home gym.

Thus, the first element - is small gym ball . Small vinyl balloon is utter nonsense, and will take place in the condominium quite a bit, but with the help of the usual bored with exercise you will play for new faces. And even a small gym ball is indispensable to train the deep muscles of the buttocks. Here is an example of such exercises.

 Sports gadgets, or to diversify training
Lie on the floor, arms along the body position, shoulder press to the floor, pull your stomach. Straight leg raise perpendicular to the floor, between the knees hold gymnastic ball. With the power squeeze it, fix, then relax. Repeat 10-20 times. Breathe evenly.

 Sports gadgets, or to diversify training
Roll over on your stomach. Bend your elbows, head, place the palm of your hand, stacked on top of each other. Hold the ball between your heels, bend your knees. From this position, push the leg up, lifting your knees off the floor. During ejection exhale, inhale to return to starting position. Repeat 10-20 times.

Big brother is gymnastic myachika- fitball . Places, of course, for his stay in your house will need more, but except as a simulator can be used as a stool when working at the computer, or as a pillow for the back while watching TV. Fitball allows you to train balance, stretching and serves as a support for many strength exercises. Here are some exercises that fitball serves the ideal companion for training and lateral oblique abdominal muscles.

 Sports gadgets, or to diversify training
Lie on the floor, arms along the body position, shoulder press to the floor, pull your stomach. Straight leg raise perpendicular to the floor between the feet lock fitball. Without changing the position of the body, turns the ball straight legs, then one or the other side. Repeat 10-20 times in each direction. Breathe evenly.

 Sports gadgets, or to diversify training
Lie on fitball thigh, his hands behind his head, the focus of the wall feet. The lower leg place a little ahead of the upper and the upper bend in the knee. Slowly the housing envelope fitball. Hold down a bit and then go back to the starting position. While driving down exhale, inhale and perform on the rise. Repeat 10-20 times. Then, do this exercise in a mirror image.

Gymnastic sticks bodibar   - One more compact and at the same time cost-effective simulator for the home. Bodibar is an excellent alternative bored dumbbells can effectively train the muscles of the arms and back, as well as to diversify and complement the exercise to other muscle groups. Here are some of the most common exercises with gymnastic stick.

 Sports gadgets, or to diversify training
Stand up straight, take the direct grip bodibar outstretched arms along the body. Bend your elbows and pull the gymnastic stick to the shoulders. Then smoothly without jerk return to the starting position. Exhale on the rise, on the motion of the hands-down - breathe in. Repeat 10-20 times.

 Sports gadgets, or to diversify training
Leave bodibar top. From this position, straighten your arms and push gymnastic stick up. Exhale on the rise, on the motion of the hands-down - breathe in. Repeat 10-20 times.

Hula Hup   (weighted hoop) has recently become extremely popular among the female audience. With the help of modern ladies rhythmic music like hone his waist. The simulator is affordable, and hoop design team saves space during storage and makes it quite portable.

 Sports gadgets, or to diversify training

Yet another affordable sports gadget - it expander . He represents a thick width and thick rubber band, with which ensured an additional burden in carrying out the usual exercises. Expander good as an alternative to dumbbells, and proved to be excellent training in the deep gluteal muscles.

 Sports gadgets, or to diversify training

Familiar to us from childhood skipping rope   suddenly experienced a surge of interest in it on the part of adults. Classes skipping seriously incredibly popular today. The rope can withstand all the demands of modern ladies of frugality, efficiency and compactness. Even better cardio workout than jumping rope and difficult to invent.

 Sports gadgets, or to diversify training

Here in this way with the help of simple sports gadgets, you can diversify your workout. By and large, all the proposed exercises in this material may be combined in one sports complex, and is a complete mix-training. Neskuchnyi home sports you!
Author: Natalia Hryshko