Train memory
 I am sure that many of you have heard of such a thing as muscle memory. For our body is quite common. But this memory can be used not only to perform daily functions, but also to the body quickly returned to form after some stagnation.

You must challenge yourself. Each repetition should be such a challenge, every increase in load should force your muscles to work, and exercises for different muscle groups do not exercise boring. The number of repetitions depends on the weight of the weighting and from your training.

Even practicing with minimum weights, the latter should have to repeat the second and the last breath.

Try to include a variety of training exercises so intense you will build muscle mass, thereby reducing the portion of the muscle, which with age or due to sedentary lifestyles and become inelastic, so to speak, decrepit.

If you want to develop muscle memory, you must perform the exercises 3 times a week, and the days do not have to be contiguous. For successful training you need to prepare three kinds of weighting. With light weight, medium and heavy.

On the first day you have to train with low weight, performing all the exercises in the two sets of 10-12 times. The second day: 3 sets of 8 - 10 times, with average weights. Third day: 4 sets of 4 - 6 times with heavy weights.

Exercise 1.   Sit on the floor, bend your knees, take a dumbbell in your hands. Bend your elbows, the dumbbell should be exactly opposite breast. Tear off a foot from the floor, cross your ankles and lean back 45 degrees. Turn body to the right and lower the dumbbell down, do not touch the floor. Then return to the starting position and repeat to the other side. It will be again. The number of repetitions depends on the weight with which you are working. This exercise is well developed endurance, teaches control your body.

 Train memory

Exercise 2.   Stand up straight, take a dumbbell in your hands, lift your right leg back, keeping your toes on the floor. Bend your elbows at 90 degrees, with the arms parallel to the body. Tilt your body slightly forward and straighten your arms back. At the same time bend the right leg at the knee. Then return to the starting position. Make the first half of the repetitions for one leg, then to the other and back again.

 Train memory

Exercise 3 . Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart to arrange, in the right hand take a dumbbell and put his left hand on his thigh. Take a deep step right foot to the left side, legs are like crosswise. Bend your right knee up until your left thigh is parallel to the floor is not. Simultaneously with the bending of the knees, lift your right hand in front of you to shoulder level. Then return to the starting position. Exercise is good because the muscles are utilized, which are rarely involved in the exercises.

 Train memory

Exercise 4 . Legs wide arrange. The hand take a dumbbell. And raise it to the level of the chest. As you inhale, lift your right foot off the floor and raise it to the level of the hip, the body lean to the left. Then lower the right leg and a deep squat without lifting feet from the floor. It is time. In general, exercise resembles the action of sumo wrestlers.

 Train memory

Exercise 5 . Stand with your heels together, toes apart. Pick up a dumbbell. Take a step to the side. And raise your hands to the side and bend your elbows. Return to starting position. And do the other side. It will be again. Well, now look, what day do so many repetitions and do.

 Train memory

Here are some simple exercises will help bring the body back in order.
Author: Vera Karabutova