The new word in feminine hygienic reusable menstrual cup
 Vita has long ago abandoned the sanitary napkins during menstruation in favor of tampons. With the latter she seemed suddenly went wrong. Vita liked that all allocation hiding inside her and absorbed a tiny swab. It is much more convenient than to fidget while driving pad, and then skip norovyaschie isolation and dirty underwear girl. Swabs were all good except the ever-increasing prices for them, and the need to run to the supermarket at the most inopportune moment. And then Vita accidentally saw the online blog post about his girlfriend's menstrual cups ...

What is it about

Menstrual cup   - A small silicone sleeve is designed to collect menstrual blood. It is introduced into the vagina just like a tampon. Due to the vacuum, which ensures a tight fit silicone stenochek bowl to the woman's vagina, menstrual cap provides protection against leakage menstrual underwear. Menstrual cup does not absorb as tampons and pads, and collects menstrual blood. Then menstrual cap just emptied, washed and injected back into the vagina.

 The new word in feminine hygienic reusable menstrual cup


In Western European countries, women have benefited from menstrual cups, among which are the following:

1. Reusable this hygiene. While the usual hygiene disposable after use and must be destroyed, menstrual cap will serve his mistress 10-15 years.

2. The duration of protection against leakage. Menstrual cup is able to accumulate a lot more menstrual blood than usual tampon. Manufacturers claim that can be used without emptying bowl to 12 hours, while tampons and pads are able to provide protection against leakage of menstrual fluid only within 3-6 hours.

3. Do not dry the vaginal wall. Unlike tampons which absorbs menstrual blood and thus dry out the walls of the female vagina, bringing considerable discomfort, menstrual cap collects menstrual blood, and its silicone wall in contact with the vagina not call it dry.

4. Provides antibacterial protection. On the surface of sanitary napkins bacteria multiply very quickly. Silicone is also used to produce menstrual caps, sverhstoek to the growth of bacteria.


The main weaknesses of the sanitary bowls are:

- Initial capital, as is the cap at least once per 6 more familiar package of hygiene;

- Extra care, because of the use pads or tampons we just get rid after use and empty the bowl, rinse, sterilize, provide storage;

- The inconvenience of use in public places, it's not entirely comfortable with the bloody emptied the cup to run out of the stall in the ladies' restroom and wash the mouthpiece in the sink;

- Substandard evacuation during the introduction of the cup may cause discomfort and leakage discharge underwear.

Where to buy

In Western Europe, menstrual cups are sold in pharmacies. We do such a product in the pharmacy network is not common, but today menstrual mouthpiece can be ordered at the specialized Internet portals. Its price ranges from 20-40 USD Manufacturers could play the passion of women to color things and transparent hygienic bowl is cheaper by about 5 US dollars, than the color.

 The new word in feminine hygienic reusable menstrual cup

Sales menstrual caps available in two sizes: small - for nulliparous women to 25 years, and more - giving birth for women over 25 years. If the ordered size not fit you, the producers promise within two months to carry out a free replacement to a more suitable.

In addition, manufacturers of menstrual burls offer their buyers a range of related products: special bags for bowls made from 100% cotton, sterilizing tablets, intimate gels for the care of the vagina and of the Capa and lubricants to facilitate comfortable input and output bowls of female vagina.

 The new word in feminine hygienic reusable menstrual cup

How to use

Before using mensturalnuyu mouthpiece should be boiled for 5 minutes or sterilize with a special solution, which is prepared with sterilization tablets. Next you need to wash your hands thoroughly and put the menstrual cup in the vagina (on the principle of a conventional input pad) open surface ahead. At the time of the introduction of the cup, check the quality of its evacuation in the vagina. To do this, slide your finger on the inner walls of the caps imposed. The correctness of introduction you tell suction sound. When removing the cup, you must first carry out its "depressurization", ie to put pressure on the bowl on one side to let in air, and only then remove the mouthpiece from the vagina.

No new posts, which have already benefited from a new word in feminine hygiene, are happy to share their positive feedback about the menstrual CAPAJ. Key words in this: comfortable, softly, quietly, economical, hygienic, clean, environmentally friendly, safe, modern, simple. So the choice is up to you, dear women!
Author: Natalia Hryshko