In 1988 Davidoff introduced the world to a new wave of freshness with two flavors of Davidoff Cool Water, embody a strong connection to the ocean. In 2012, this relationship has been confirmed partnership with National Geographic in the "Clean Sea". Summer 2013 release of aromas offer a different view of the ocean, paying homage to the beauty of its flora and fauna. Fragrances Davidoff Cool Water Into The Ocean allows you to experience a new feeling of freshness - to dive deep into the ocean, to see his miracles and to feel its power.
For him: Davidoff Cool Water Man Into The Ocean
The new men's fragrance inspired by the freshness of the ocean. Perfume offers fresh sea air and juicy notes of grapefruit and tangerine. Basil and sage in the heart of the fragrance and base notes of juniper render the composition of full and deep. The new version of the classic perfume conceals energy and natural freshness.
For her: Davidoff Cool Water Woman Into The Ocean
Female floral-fruity fragrance plunges into the depths of the ocean. Summer version of the fragrance opens with fresh mint leaves sensual accords, melon and pineapple. At the heart of the composition sounds gentle violet and trail captures notes of iris.
Feel the power of the ocean!
Vials new flavors play shades of blue, conveying the beauty and the play of light in the ocean depths. The new perfumes is all the freshness and power of the ocean. Meet summer with flavors of Davidoff Cool Water Into The Ocean and feel the vastness of ocean space.
Estimated price:
Eau de Toilette Davidoff Cool Water Man Into The Ocean, 125 ml - 1910 rubles.
Eau de Toilette Davidoff Cool Water Woman Into The Ocean, 100 ml - 1910 rubles.
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova