Gift Hill ...
 "I knew one woman, so she one day went to the garden of parsley, rabbit feed, and got married."
(William Shakespeare. "Taming of the Shrew").

According to ancient Egyptian myth, which seems so familiar parsley - the plant is not easy, and it has grown from the blood leaked from a torn eye cruel Seth Horus - the son of the god Osiris. Ancient Egyptians organized religious celebrations, during which the head wore a wreath of parsley. Although it is considered to be the birthplace of parsley Macedonia.

Parsley Ogorodnaya - Petroselinum sativum   - Biennial herb. In the first year after planting grows only rosette bipinnatisect dissected leaves a pleasant green color with long petioles. Root parsley have juicy, branching, like the old prababushkino spindle. In the second year there is floriferous stem.

In Europe, there are four types of parsley. In Russia, are grown in home gardens - root and leaf or curly parsley.

Leaf parsley   harvested from spring to late autumn. The greens are edible and shallow roots it is not edible.

Root parsley   dug from the end of the summer. Seeds harvested as they mature.

Leaves and roots of parsley without exaggeration storehouse of nutrients and vitamins. It contains vitamins B1, B2, B9, PP, K, C, provitamin A; mineral salts of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and iron; selenium, flavonoids, volatile glycosides, inulin / oils. Moreover, vitamin C in parsley 4 times more than lemon.

Parsley is used from time immemorial in medicine .

- Fresh herbs indispensable on sunny days, when a few twigs eaten guard against excessive solar radiation.

- Seeds and root is a diuretic and are used for the prevention and treatment of arthritis, gout, kidney disease, diseases of the bladder, kidney spasms, dropsy, edema, intestinal colic, an inflammation of the prostate, disorders of menstruation. ½ teaspoon of seeds pour 1 cup of boiled water, overnight and take ¼ cup 4 times a day before meals.

- Juice of parsley take if intoxicated, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the kidneys and bladder, gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney stones and gallstones, malaria, diseases of the optic nerve, cornea, conjunctivitis, cataract, menstrual irregularities ...

But the day should not take more than 4st. tablespoons of parsley juice, because it is a very potent tool.

- Outdoor parsley juice is used for insect bites, to derive the various dark spots on the skin of acne.

- Either the leaves are ground and applied to the problem areas.

- A decoction of the leaves of parsley   is used to cleanse the body of waste products, with heart defects / scarlet fever, measles, chickenpox, painful menstruation, inflammation of the thyroid gland, with cramps and diarrhea. 2st. tablespoons minced raw pour 1 cup boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, cool, strain and take ½ cup 3 times a day for 20 minutes before eating. The same decoction can be used for eyewash.

From the use of parsley should be avoided during pregnancy, an exacerbation of kidney disease, nephritis and cystitis.

 Gift Hill ...

Instead, cosmetic purposes   Parsley can be used throughout.

- It has a strong bleaching effect on the skin, actively fights acne and prevents early wrinkles appear.

- Masks of the parsley   Not only decolorized spots and freckles, but also smooth the existing wrinkles on the face, neck, chest, relieve skin irritation and redness.

- A decoction of the herb parsley   to lighten freckles and age spots on the skin. 4 tbsp. tablespoons chopped green pour 1 cup boiling water, bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer over low heat for half an hour, cool, drain, add ½ teaspoon of lemon juice, and stir with a cotton swab moistened face several times in the evening. Soak and wash is not necessary. The broth can be stored for two days in the refrigerator, but it is better to do every day fresh.

- The infusion of the roots of parsley are used for hair care, giving them shine, silkiness, better growth and get rid of dandruff. A decoction of the roots 8 Art. tablespoons dried roots pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, to insist 30-40 minutes, drain, rinse hair after washing.

- Rejuvenating mask . Handful parsley grind until the juice, add 1-2st. spoon sour cream and apply a thin layer on the face, neck and décolleté. Wash off after 20 minutes with warm water. The course of 15 masks after 1 day.

- For dry, sensitive and aging skin . 2 tbsp. provёrnutogo spoon in a meat grinder root mix with the same amount of fat cottage cheese and apply on face for 15 minutes. Rinse with a decoction of the leaves of parsley or warm water.

- From the crow's feet under the eyes . Parsley grind, peremyat and gently lay around the eyes for 15 minutes, wash with water at room temperature.

Parsley helps to lose weight, if you include it in the daily menu.

To attract the attention of the opposite sex in the old body is wiped every morning parsley broth or broth poured it in the morning and before a date.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva