Shampoos and treatments do not alter domestic trains, time-tested. Try the 5 most affordable and simple means of dandruff.
None of these funds will not harm the scalp, because it all - exclusively natural and natural products.
1. Aloe Vera Gel.
It is necessary to rub a small amount of gel (or natural aloe juice) into the scalp. After gentle massage leave composition for 30 minutes. Then rinse with a mild shampoo. Aloe vera has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal action, so to cope with dandruff. Repeat daily.

2. Vinegar.
Mix vinegar and water in equal parts, apply on the scalp and cover your head with a towel or cap. Leave overnight. In the morning wash the hair with shampoo. The recipe is not suitable for very sensitive skin! If you are afraid of irritation from vinegar, massage your scalp composition for 5 minutes, then rinse shampoo.
3. Beet.
Apply night dandruff treatment beet. In a blender chop beets and slices of ginger (in equal amounts). Massage the scalp to receive the composition, leave the mask on the night. In the morning, rinse shampoo.

4. Eggs.
Eggs are present in most home recipes for healthy hair. They help and dandruff. Beat 2 eggs and apply on the scalp. Rinse shampoo an hour. Use water at room temperature. Eggs help quickly from dandruff, you need only a few treatments.
5. basil and parsley.
Make a paste of the leaves of the grasses, apply on the scalp and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with a mild shampoo.