Soon - open season dresses and tops. And now is the time to take care of skin and muscle tone in the neck, arms and shoulders. One month of training will help bring these parts of the body in order.
Do each exercise for 1 minute, and repeat the session up to 4 times. Engage in daily.
Exercise 1.
- Get down to "plank" is a starting position for push-ups. Arms bent at the elbows.
- Straighten your arms, one arm, lifting off the floor and pull up.
- Return to the starting position.
- Repeat the same thing, but on the other hand.

Exercise 2.
Boxing movement. Within 1 minute, vigorously try to imitate the movements that make the boxers in the ring. If it turns out - complicate exercise weighting.

Exercise 3.
Movement climber. You should try to keep a balance, changing the position of the feet, first substitute in the chest one knee, then the other. Reliance - on his hands.

Exercise 4.
Jumping with the change of position of the feet and hands. Do not vigorously and slow down the pace at least 1 minute.
