Hair invented locking means - lacquer. He fixes her hair, making it more resistant. And is there something like make-up?
Of course have! Some girls try to adapt to this hairspray. But do not suggest so experiment with skin - Hairspray contains alcohol and other irritating skin ingredients. For skin invented their means - Makeup Finishing Spray. Another name Makeup Setting Spray.
On the market there are several such products.

Reinforcement sprays from Mary Kay, MAC, NYX.
However, these sprays are not always available at the price and is not available in stores. But if you want to try, how the fixing spray for makeup - make your product.
For home fixing spray will need:
- Rose water (rose water can be replaced by an aqueous solution of aloe vera juice if you have sensitive skin)
- Glycerol (buy in a drugstore)
- Spray bottle.

- Pour rose water in a bottle with a cap-spray. Up to half of the volume of the bottle.
- Add 4-5 drops of glycerin. If your skin is dry - you can take more of glycerin, a few drops.
- Close the lid and shake well the bottle contents.
Your vehicle is ready for use! Store in the refrigerator and should be used within 2-3 weeks - so it is not necessary to do a large amount at once.

How to use
This spray can be applied to the face before makeup as a moisturizing base, as well as - after makeup. But before the deal a powder.