We invite you to lose weight by 5 kg in 14 days, adhering to this simple diet. Read on the basic principles of nutrition.
We do not offer a radical land on a liquid diet or detox, although they recognized the most effective for weight loss. After all, we do not need additional stress in the holidays, when there are so many it is necessary to have time! We offer a little change diet, add discipline, and 2 weeks to lose weight by 5 kilograms.
The basic principles of pre-New Year diet:
Replace any one meal a homemade fruit smoothie
. You already know that the fastest liquid diet promotes weight loss. Make a fruit puree is very simple: Mix fruit (chopped or shredded in a blender) with skim milk (calcium promotes weight loss).

Caloric intake per day should be no more than 1,200 calories
. Each of the three main meals must be equal to about 350 calories. Plus a small amount of calories for snacks.
Drastically reduce salt
Then you will quickly lose weight due to loss of water supplies, which holds the salt.
No desserts, juices and purchased soft drinks
- It is empty calories that are not needed now.
Eat at the same time each day
And go to bed at the same time. Sleep should last at least 8 hours, it will help to cope with stress and hunger.
- For any type of metabolism works
Typically 2/3
. Two-thirds of each of the food should consist of vegetables, it helps the body burn fat more rapidly.
- Of the permitted types of protein:
white grilled meat or fish, as well as vegetable protein species
. Or you can go to a fully vegetarian diet for 2 weeks.
If you manage to strictly comply with all the above items of diet, the weight loss will take place, and change the way of life you do not need. But if you do something you can not run, you have to compensate for foregone effect
physical exercises

For starters forget about the existence of the elevator, as well as the parking lots right next to the work. It is best to at least 30 minutes a day to give yourself aerobic exercise: aerobics, swimming, jogging, cycling or exercise bike. And for most diligent can advise another 3 times a week over a heavy load for 30 minutes. It can be free weights, but the simplest and most effective - is running at a speed of 12 km / h, it burns fat best.
Drink water between meals, stay calm - and you'll meet the New Year without excess weight.