Despite difficult economic times, people continue to marry and to celebrate this event. Psychologists believe that this year will be a boom in the wedding, as it is believed that the hard times easier to bear, if the two of you. Therefore, if you are already a bride and puzzled over how to choose a wedding dress, then these tips you may find helpful.
How to choose a wedding dress?
So, what are the criteria to choose a wedding dress.
- Choose a dress that suits your figure. It should not drag you or be too loose. You should not have anything to bulge, to act, etc. If you have narrow shoulders, then you can safely try a dress with American armholes. If you have a full hands on the shoulders throw with stole. The surest way to help yourself with a choice - to take with you to the store person whose opinion you trust. The second option - to find out what type of your figure and read recommendations.
- Decide with the color. Of course, white is always in fashion, and you'll look at it especially touching. Want to add interesting details - let it be a bright finish. White is the color most women. With cream and beige have to be careful, because they are not always appropriate, and may have some simple and highlights the shortcomings of the figure and complexion. In this case, the best white color hiding flaws figures. The dress can be any color what you want. Home -To you liked it.
- If you want to ask your wedding a topic, such as a wedding in the style of the 20s and in the style of "Beauty and the Beast" and the dress should be appropriate.
Try the house to examine the information on the Internet, flip through magazines, and only then go to the store with ready suggestions. After all, a huge selection of stores and easier to pick up what you need, when you know what you want. Also, be open to advice. Often in these salons operate knowledgeable people who can make good deals and choose for you is the very dress that is suitable to you. Even if it is different from your submissions.
How to choose a dress, if you are pregnant?
We all dream of a beautiful wedding and a beautiful dress. And rounded tummy - is not a reason to give up on your dreams. Corset, of course, no longer fit, but there are plenty of other great options.
- Try on those dresses that are cut loose or stretchy material, so that was the foundation for the ever-increasing tummy. After dresses usually buy 1-2 months before the wedding, and the baby still has time to grow during this period. Even if the stomach is small, you should not drag its corset.
- Select the cut. The dress can be tight, but can be like a Greek goddess with a high waist, or in the Empire style.
- Choose dresses with interesting details. But stay away from those who have a lot ryushek, draperies, etc. They make you look like a ball.
- Do not forget the selection of wedding dresses that you are now often run to the toilet, and so it should give you some discretion in this matter.
- Shoes should be comfortable. No high heels. No need to sacrifice themselves in fashion.
- Some people think that wearing white in your position - a sacrilege. Nobody will listen. Want to white - let it be white. Love - red, then red. Allow yourself to whatever your heart desires.
Fashion Wedding Dress 2009
In the summer and autumn of designers offered roughly the same trends in wedding dresses. Want to be the most fashionable bride, then here are some options:
- Strapless.
They are always in fashion and always have a choice in the shops.
- Colorful dresses and bright spots.
This season is very fashionable gray. A dress of light gray color looks very feminine and elegant. You can try pink, brown, blue, red, etc. If you still want a white dress, but you want to bring something bright in his image, add a bright ribbon on the waist.
- Black accents.
Whether it's finishing dresses or accessories, it is quite true.
- Dresses with a mini-skirt.
It sounds unexpectedly. They can be classic style, vintage and style of the Renaissance Madonna (with a lace bodice and short skirt).

- Flowers.
It can be brooches, dress items, fabric elements, etc.
- Dress with one shoulder.
This - the trend of the season. And not only in wedding fashion.
- Greek style.
Flying dresses make you look like a goddess who emerged from the sea foam. Well look at the ladies in the state.

- Layered skirts and assembly.
Such dress rarely go out of fashion. Stratification is still relevant.

- Dresses with hoops.
You think uncomfortable? You will be surprised, but it's not. Moreover, without a hot day, the dress will not stick to the legs. Especially since the diameters of the rings are different.

Here are tips you bride. And wishes a happy married life and fun wedding!