With the release on wide screens the animated film "Nine" was adjusted and mass production of souvenirs for fans of this film. Dear rag dolls could not leave anyone indifferent - seem to have been created with a soul. That's just how much inspiration from the idea of creating these wonderful characters? God forgive me, Timur Bekmambetov and Tim Burton, it seems to me that this film inspired by their Ukrainian designer Aleksey Berezhnaya engaged in the last ten years with unusual decorations that his fans warmly dubbed "touching iron."
In his works Berezhnaya uses different materials: copper, copper alloys, iron, leather, stone, glass, wood (not containing tar) and much more. The main thing that they do not break and should flex. For example, in creating pendant MiniTech he used a ball bearing (head as man). It was very unusual and interesting.
"Machinarium" - decorations
A whole collection of pendants and figurines in the form of little people - a true steampunk. Among them are horrible, and really cute work. The main thing is to choose your man. Remember what they were people in the film "Nine"? To them it was possible to put the soul, if the world will end. So these pendants - a kind of expression of your own self.
Alexei Berezhnoy no special education. He just took courses in wood processing and so fell in love with this thing that has mastered their own and work with metal. And then all this knowledge is put together. Despite the fact that it is now fairly well known and popular, it is also true to his shop - a small corner of the apartment where he lives.
On the establishment of such a pendant need not have much time: the ideas come "while eating", ie adhesion of a subject. Among Berezhnoy created humanoids, and I noticed a series of small and sad figures. Apparently, he made them in the right mood. By the way, everyone comes up with his creation Berezhnaya names: MiniQ2, MiniQ3, Monk, Monk2, Mooh, cheerful astronaut, Encoder, asterisk, observer Pchelkin, Riddick, Sknyusik, Alien, etc. Many of them have already settled in the trunk amber Russian fashionistas.
 Mooh, Cheerful astronautics
 The observer, Encoder
 Pchelkin, asterisk
 Alien, Riddick
The rings are soldered memory card in earrings - colored glass. I get something in military style: strict and feminine. It is worth to mention the issue price. Each ornament is estimated at no more than 20-30 dollars, which, in fact, a penny, compared with normal market ornaments.
If you're still one of those of the female, who prefer not to wear those little things, but just look at them and enjoy, then I advise you to buy a picture of the same designer. While he denies any affiliation with steampunk, I think, in a few years for his work to begin a hunt. His paintings - also soldered from above my materials. A bit like a steam train. Such a bit rusty and old. But if true! So it seems that now this "gizmo" will roll off the canvas and hit the road. Paintings Alexei Berezhnoy will appeal to any business person. And there will be a great gift. And there are not too expensive. Total $ 80 - with a wooden frame and antique leather background.

All presented in the material things can be ordered Alexei Berezhnoy by mail in three ways. Payment of delivery, by the way, he takes on. You can easily find it in the Learn and "Contacts". Just remember: as a real creator, some of his work, he does not undertake to repeat.
