When a child becomes not just to yourself. We have to relearn how to manage time; reconstruct the shape, etc. When you walk into a rhythm, again, there is a desire to look at all 100. But as the time to spare, the question arises, as in the large employment restore beauty.
So today let's talk, what kind of hairstyle can advise super moms. To quickly and beautiful and practical.
Bob Haircut

Most star mothers after childbirth and are cut. The most popular haircut is "Bob." In general, and short, and not very radical, and there is something to work on. There are many variations of this hairstyle. The beauty of this hairstyle - easy to care and styling. To look good, you just need to wash your hair and dry it. Another option - to take a strand of hair along the forehead and the back stab. The third option - to dry hair and screwed them on utyuzhok or tongs.
Ultrashort haircuts
You can go ahead and cut your hair in the spirit of Victoria Beckham. Here, in general, all simply nowhere. To style your hair this length you will need no more than 10 minutes. Your friends should be a hair dryer and hair wax. With it, you can create a variety of hairstyles.
Medium and long hair
Those who have hair length allows, you can experiment. The main thing that was practical hairstyle hair to keep it out of hand. One of the most pressing hairstyles in this case can be called
. This hairstyle that helps to create a neat and well-groomed appearance. There are many variations on the theme of the beam. Here are some of them.
Option 1. Clean pulled back hair tied in a low lateral beam.
It's simple. Make a side parting. Good hair comb. Collect hair in his hand and twist. Then, make a bundle, leaving the small end of the hair loose, and commit all the band.
Option 2. The ballet bun.
Comb hair into a high ponytail. Twist the hair into a ponytail and wrapped around the base. Fix invisible or hairpins. Before going out, you can attach a pretty barrette.
Option 3 French beam
. My hair. Apply mousse to add volume and dry with a hair dryer and a large round brush. Then gather the hair in his hand at the base of the back of the head. And begin to twist the hair upwards. Remove the tip of the hair inside and fix all the pins. If you need to decorate a pretty barrette.
A bunch of good that by adjusting the location, strength, tension hair braiding direction, you can create different hairstyles. Making beam can be also because of the braid.
Next is fast, convenient and beautiful hairstyle -
Option 1.
The tail on the side. Wash your hair, dry hair, giving it volume at the roots. Take the hair on top and slightly nacheshite and lower. Then gather all the side into a low ponytail and secure with a rubber band. To hairstyle turned more elegant, you can wind the hair on the pliers.
Option 2.
Nacheshite hair on top and collect in my spare tail at the base of the head. On the reverse side of the tail Take a section and wrap several times around the gum. And lock again with the reverse side, at the end of removing gum or invisible. Now take two small strands around the face and remove ago. Fix the invisible mask and hair on the nape.
Option 3.
If your hair is long, you may like this version of the cauda equina. So, divide the hair into two parts. And tie the first two tail separately, one at ear level, the other at the base of the head. You can hide under the hair elastic, as described in option 2. Starting from the first gum, you tie a another at a distance of about 2, 5 cm. Then connect the upper to the lower tail. Then again, every 2, 5 cm tie a rubber band, until no hair. When, with the help of a flat comb tease you a little hair and loosen the tension between the bands.
And, of course, do not forget
simple high ponytail
. Simple, convenient, and very sexy.
Let's not forget about
. Moreover, they are very fashionable this season. You can braid a simple braid, French, "fishtail", etc. This hairstyle will be held all day, and you do not have to worry about your appearance.
To remove hair from the face, you can use rims and ribbons. By the way, if your hairstyle to complement these accessories, you'll look ultra-stylish.
I would like to offer the option of using a non-standard tapes. Zacheshite hair into a high ponytail. If your hair is long, then, passing through the hair elastic, fasten the end of the last time under it, so that the maximum length of the hair was to the base of the head. Now take a long, black or any other tape. You can buy in stores for sewing. And randomly wrap around the head. Secure the ends using invisible under the tail.
You can also offer to make bouffant front hair strands and clean them back. This version looks great on its own or in combination with the tail beam, oblique.

As you can see quite easy to be beautiful and well-groomed.