Summer vacation, the sea and the hair ...
 Going on holiday to the sea, we take with us a bunch of creams for face and body. But we often forget that the scorching sun is not only bad for the skin, and hair. How to take care of your curls summer on vacation?

In principle, the sun is very beneficial for the body in general. But hair is very harmful. The sun dries them, and excessive overheating adversely affects the blood supply to the roots, which leads to hair loss. Therefore, going to the sea, do not forget about the headdress.

As for the skin, produced a special hair care products that contain ingredients that protect hair from harmful UV rays and sea water.

In general, time spent in the sun without protective measures depends on the color of your hair. Thus, blondes and redheads can stay in the sun without damaging your hair no more than 7 minutes, the brunette - 10 minutes, owner blond or brown hair - 14 minutes, and the brown-haired - 17 minutes.

Caring for the hair:

What to do if you do not take care of the hair in advance and did not acquire special protective equipment? In this case, you will save the almond oil. Just add a few drops in the shampoo before washing. As a result, your hair is not only healthier, but also get an attractive sheen.

Another way to protect your hair from UV rays - lubricate the hair before going to the beach with olive (you can take and almond) oil. As a result, you not only protect, but also to the effect of "wet hair". But after the beach need to wash your hair with shampoo, and if this is not possible, then at least rinse hair with mineral water.

Hair Care: AFTER

Even if you protect your hair after the hot sun in need of care. It is best to help the special nutrient mask. They may be prepared independently.

 Summer vacation, the sea and the hair ...
   - The mask for dry hair : Cream - 2 tablespoons olive oil - 0, 5 tsp lemon juice 1 tsp All mix and grind. Apply to freshly washed wet hair, carefully rubbing the scalp. Leave on for 15 minutes. The mixture is washed off with warm water and dry naturally. In no case do not in the sun and a hairdryer.

- Mask for oily hair : Soft fat cottage cheese - 1 teaspoon of milk - 1 ch. L, the flesh is very ripe apricot - 2 tablespoons lemon juice - 1 tsp All mix and grind. Apply to freshly washed wet hair, carefully rubbing the scalp. Leave on for 10 minutes. The mixture is washed off with warm water, not hot, and then rinse with cool. Dry naturally.

- Repair Damaged Hair . If you could not protect your hair from harmful influences, and they are dull, become brittle, they can be quickly re-using vitamin E. It can be purchased at the pharmacy (capsules or oil solution). Vitamin oil rubbed into the hair roots once a week before washing. After 20 minutes, the hair is applied to the raw egg yolk. It should be rubbed into the ends of her hair, massaging the scalp, so as to form a foam. This mask should be hold for 15 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with water, thoroughly washing out the yolk. When using shampoo than is required.

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If you decide to cut, the summer - it's time. That haircut experts recommend before going to the south. Thus, you will add more strength to fight hair scorching sun. And you forget about the breakage and split ends.

But from the hair dye should be abandoned. After staining itself - stress to the hair. In addition, sunlight newly dyed hair may take a completely different tone. If you still can not give up the coloring, then carry out this procedure with natural dyes: henna, coffee, onions, cranberries.

 Summer vacation, the sea and the hair ...
 - So, to give your hair a shade "Red tree" , Lubricate the hair clean cranberry juice and leave for 4-6 hours. To achieve a greater effect in the juice can add henna.

- Chestnut   hair can be given in several ways. Brew strong tea - to 1 cup of water taken 3 tsp tea, boil 3 minutes. Then it poured a decoction of 25 grams of henna. This decoction is applied to clean dry hair and aged for 2, 5 hours. Instead of tea, you can take a coffee or a decoction of the bark of buckthorn.

- Dark hair gain radiant shade   using tea. Take 50 grams of tea, 1 l of water and boiled for 15 minutes. Decoctions let stand, decant and rinse hair. Do not rinse. Tumble dry without a hair dryer.

- Will have blond hair golden hue If they are washed onion extract. In addition, you will strengthen your hair and enhance their growth. Preparation: onion skins 100 g, water 1 liter. Husk fill with hot water, boil for half an hour. Let stand for 30 minutes, drain, cool. Rinse clean dry hair, do not rinse. Tumble dry without a hair dryer.

- Also, without use of chemical agents can be highlights . Before going to the beach thoroughly soak the individual strands of lemon juice. 2-3 days will brighten your locks. But in this way all the hair is not discolor - can severely damage them.

Let your holiday will not spoil anything, and will benefit the whole: the body and the soul, and hair!
Author: Olga Stolyarov