We will not talk about what a strange mixture of women enjoyed the past. Referring to the day today. It turns out that nowadays coined many of our beauty products that surprise and sometimes even forced a smile.
Zephyr with collagen
One pack of zefirinok contains about 300 mg of collagen peptides. This marshmallow created to literally pump up your body collagen, resulting in promises elasticity and youthfulness of the skin. Maybe anti-aging cream with collagen should take into? It is known that collagen molecules are so large that they can not penetrate into the deeper layers of skin. Maybe collagen necessary to eat?
Cookies for breast augmentation
This strange product from Japan. Cookies, which promises to increase the breast to the person who eats it, was presented to the market in 2005 in Japan. And then, and spread around the world, among other things. This cookie contains a special ingredient, the root of the miracle herb Pueraria Mirifica, found in the east of Thailand and Myanmar. More in 1952, it has been proven that the root contains hormones that help women's breasts grow stronger. Side effects from this cookie is also quite useful - increase in appetite and an increase in vigor.
How nice it would be to have a dress - an indicator of our mood. And for the man more clearly, and to colleagues that we currently feel. Such invented! If you know, in the 1970s there was a ring for the first time - an indicator of the mood of its owner. This technology is not forgotten and created the same dress. Its color changes depending on the emotional state of his mistress. They helped bring the idea to life technology Philips Electronics. The dress has a two-layer structure and a special biometric sensor. As a result of the change of mood dress is highlighted by different colors.
Lip Gloss for ... weight loss
It is about an unusual brilliance FUZE Slenderize Guilt Free Lip Gloss. No, it should not be there. It works like a normal shine - lipstick, smells sweet fruity aroma and gives shine. But there he and another function - it is able to suppress appetite. This action is enclosed in a special aroma and taste. Shine has the property to increase the energy of a person, despite the lack of food, and this effect lasts for several hours. Aromas are presented a choice: blueberries, raspberries, lime, strawberry, melon. Users of brilliance quickly burn fat and improves metabolism.
Lotion makes the body a seductive and sexy
Millions of women dream of the right moment to be sexy and sensual, seducing her lover. On the market there means responsive to these plans. This lotion Flirty Little Secret by Booty Parlor. He promises a truly magical transformation. Lotion increases the bust and tightens the skin, creating the effect of a young elastic body. It makes due to lethal doses of collagen, which is a part. But that is not all! Lotion for nights because of love. Therefore, its formula is based on pheromones, it will drive your lover crazy, absolutely without any effort on your part.
Simulator for proper smile
Again, the novelty from Japan. It turns out that just a smile is not enough, it has to be perfect. And this is such a bracket is established. However, when it is in your mouth, you say you can not, just smile. But as perfect! It is expected that after a few months of this "simulator" it can not be used, and your smile will continue to perfect. And yet a manufacturer believes that a proper smile skin stretches and sags less, not allowing to acquire new wrinkles.
Simulator for the facial muscles
This thing is not cheap (300 euros) devised to engage the muscles of the face. This device holds the facial muscles in the small electrical discharges, causing the shape of the face is tightened, the muscles become tone, updated from within. Production company - Slendertone.
Face mask to give the correct form
This item should be of interest to those who turn to plastic surgeons. It turns out, for better rehabilitation after plastic shaper for special needs persons. One trouble - for shaper fulfilled its purpose, it can not be removed as long as the face after the operation will not come to the desired shape. And it is a few weeks or even months! In general, the beauty demands and those of the victims.
Eye drops for the growth of eyelashes
This invention is called Lumigan. They include a special chemical that stimulates the activity of prostaglandins, which in turn causes the eye lashes growth. But there are caveats, drops are sold only by prescription because of possible side effects on the eye.
Pillow wrinkles
The company offers Cupron pillowcase $ 50 US dollars. This seemingly ordinary thing works better than a night cream. As a part of the fabric - natural copper, this material prevents the appearance of wrinkles and improves the appearance of the skin after sleeping.
