Fotorazdel "before and after" photographs of lost weight to users of our site - the best proof of the fact that getting rid of excess weight is quite real. One has only to want only and all will certainly succeed!
The participant whose photo before and after weight loss, meeting all the conditions of the competition, gain the most votes user Diets.ru, will receive a free game
set-top box Defender SharkyTVmate

* 60 built-in games, including 11 with support for gaming accessories. The character on the screen will repeat all your movements. It includes interactive games, boxing, golf, darts, bowling and others. 4 types of gaming accessories: baseball bat, tennis racket 2, 2 rackets for tennis and golf club. Possibility doubles. The package come 2 wireless controller with motion sensors and vibration mode. You can play against each other in the following games: tennis, baseball, dancing, fishing, ping pong, billiards. The prefix does not require any configuration.
Participant in favor of the photos which chose the site administration Diets.ru, will become the owner
wireless set Defender Domino 825 Nano

* Domino 825 Nano - Stylish compact set consisting of a wireless keyboard with separated flat keys and a mini-mouse with virtually noiseless click. Radius - up to 10 meters from your computer. Easy installation. To work does not need drivers. Keyboard: 14 hot keys for quick access to office multimedia applications, ultra-flat (height of only 2 mm) separated keys to increased area.
Mouse: Click Change permissions (800/1600 dpi) allows you to change the speed of the mouse cursor with one click, ergonomic design, extended under the index finger, press on the button, silent with good tactile feedback.
Selecting the sponsor of the contest, representatives of the brand Defender, determine another finalist, who will become the owner of a set consisting of
Wireless optical mini-mouse Defender To-GO MS-565 Nano
Computer mouse pad Defender Sticker.

* DefenderTo-GO MS-565 Nano - laconic Mini Mouse for those whose choices - independence and improvisation. Ideal for small and medium hands. 5 programmable buttons simplify and speed up the work on the computer. Click Change permissions (1000/1600 dpi) allows you to switch resolution of the mouse in one motion. Ultra pad Defender Sticker is made of durable material. Adhesives allows multiple capture pad in any convenient location of the working surface.
On the rules of competition, and other important things & gt; & gt; & gt;
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova