Head & Shoulders brand is its ambassador in the Olympic Games of 2014 in Sochi - Russian national team player Evgeni Malkin Hockey. Cooperation Head & Shoulders and famous hockey player and will continue after the Olympics.
"I am really encouraged by the role after Reliance Head & Shoulders! To show the beautiful game and the win is not enough just physical strength and proven skills. I need a sense of confidence that is born deep within and reinforced by the support of the hockey fans from around the world. In collaboration with the Head & Shoulders I can help many people to develop and strengthen a sense of confidence, leading to victories in all spheres of life "
- Says Eugene.
Evgeni Malkin
will face a large-scale marketing campaign
Head & Shoulders
Based on the idea of self-confidence. Olympic glory Eugene will help him to inspire many sports fans, and to instill in them a true Olympic spirit and desire to win. The campaign will launch a limited edition of shampoo
Head & Shoulders Sports fresh
in the package with the image of the famous hockey player.

Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova