Who's what, and I fall on ... Here's the weather caught, or trying to come to terms with yellow leaves and puddles on the pavement, but worried about the fall this time, as never before. And offers the user myJulia.ru try yourself in the autumn work.
So, this time proposed to create
autumn composition
. What will it be - embroidery, applique, photo frame (even created in a photo editor), an interesting autumn bouquet, wreath, painting, knit or sew a thing (any, with autumn motifs) - only your choice.
Entries are placed in the "Crafts" in the category "Portrait in red tones."
At the end of the contest materials relevant section "article", ie competent and well-written, detailed master class will be moved to the section "Articles. Crafts "
The winner will receive from the Philips brand rectifier Philips Active Care with jojoba oil

The ceramic plates rectifier Active Care HP8363 added natural jojoba oil, has long been known for its healing properties and is used in many cosmetic products for hair care. It nourishes and restores the hair structure without weighing envelops their unique protective film.
The prize for the second place: a universal set for hair removal Philips HP6540

Due to effective disk system hair removal from the root hairs removed from the first time, and the skin remains smooth for a few weeks, allowing you not to worry about re procedures for a long time.
Prize for the third conical curler Care Curl Control HP8618.

Tongs Care CurlControl undoubtedly become a favorite instrument of beauty arsenal of modern women, because they not only help to create a stylish image, but also they are a real art object through the diamond pattern handles, purple lighting and the button with facetted cut.
Details about the contest on myJulia.ru & gt; & gt; & gt;
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova