Dear friends! We offer you to take part in the competition of dietary salad with dressing on the magazine "Prepare."
We all know that the best thing in the issue of weight loss will help us dishes of vegetables, but how to make a salad not only useful and easy, but delicious. We suggest you experiment with dietary salads with interesting sauces.
Recipes of the winners will be published in the journal "Prepare" in the category "Diet for you!"
3 of the most active user per month, that comment, rate in the competition "delicious diet 'and the proposed addition to recipes (in the form of photos and additional assessments) will receive a kitchen scale.
availability of high-quality photographs, a detailed description of the recipe and literate (description nuances of cooking "on the shelves"), the original recipe.
The competition will be held
the end of 2012
Note: The authors of the winning recipes will be required to provide information about themselves for publication in the journal, as well as original photographs in good quality (without processing graphics editors, frames and captions).

Read the terms and to take part in the competition & gt; & gt; & gt;
Author: Povarenok.ru