More and more women are choosing flesh-colored underwear
 Certainly, flesh-colored underwear weight advantages. It is often universal things that are good, and a cocktail dress and a white blouse to work, and intimate for a romantic evening. A new study by British scientists said that more and more women prefer such linen.

It turns out that 72% of women in the UK prefer underwear skin color, instead of black, white or colored.

For example, statistics Debenhams store in the United Kingdom indicates that sales of corporeal lingerie this year increased by 38%.

So why is the color nude has now become so popular? Psychologist Donna Dawson, answering this question publication Daily Mail, explains that the choice of transparent underwear or flesh shows the desire of women to be more natural and natural. And in recent years, such trends more like women, they mostly choose natural fabrics, natural silhouettes, makeup a la naturel, hairstyles without much complicated installation and so on. Hence, such a boom bodily underwear.

Author: Julia Gnedina