The winner of the first reality competition Miss Pantene became the 19-year-old Anna Gritsan (Poltava, Ukraine). That she won the title of Miss Pantene, one-year contract on cooperation with the brand name and photo for the cover of the famous glossy magazine.
Reality casting Miss Pantene launched on August 1 pantene.ru site in anticipation of the appearance of the revolutionary new collection
Pantene Aqua Light
and gathered more than ten thousand participants.
10 finalists have gone to
Pantene Beauty Academy
in Morocco, where the master classes of professionals of the fashion and beauty and defended their theses.

The ease and naturalness - these two words have become a kind of leitmotif throughout the Academy.
Andrew Drykin
, Art Director Pantene Pro-V in Eastern Europe, taught the girls the basics of art of hair care, hair-spoke about the trends of the past and future seasons and shared the secrets of fashion styling easy.
Master class
Vladimir Kalincheva
, The official make-up artist MaxFactor in Russia, opened the curtain right make-up and after the theoretical classes Academy finalists were able to practice the acquired skills.
Evelyn Khromtchenko expert fashion
, Told the finalists on the rules of the modern wardrobe girl and held individual consultations on style. The practical part of the master class was marked by the holding of the fashion show in the style of Aqua Light. Before the girls were challenged to choose from her wardrobe outfit corresponding to the style of the new collection Pantene Aqua Light, pass on the podium and get expert evaluation Evelyn Khromtchenko.
Secular photographer
Vladimir Shirokov
In a portfolio whose work on dozens of covers of glossy magazines, taught the basics finalists photomodelling art, and lab finalists posed for the camera of the famous photographer.
Renowned choreographer
Yegor Druzhinin
He made a special trip to the Academy, to teach the girls the basics of acting and plastics, and fitness instructor
Jeanne Chirkov
He held a master class in Pilates.
At the end of study at Pantene Beauty Academy girls had to pass a difficult test. Thesis each finalist - a video clip Pantene Aqua Light, filmed during his stay at the Academy of the idea and the script finalists and it is in the title role.
Girls adequately coped with the task, and very soon the participating graduate work, as well as reports from Pantene Beauty academy and master classes of teachers, could look at pantene.ru, and vote for the most favorite thesis.

At the end of user voting on the site of the ten finalists were determined three mistress - Marina Razoronova, Anna and Margaret Mitrikovskaya Gritsan (left to right), of which the jury chose the candidacy of Anne as the best in the acquisition of the title of Miss Pantene.
Author: MyCharm.ru: Lavrushina Lyudmila