Lotions and masks of spring grass
 Thing of the past cold winter with its blizzards and snowstorms, and early spring with unstable capricious weather. For gently warms the warm sun, glades, lawns, lawns and beds covered with emerald carpet of fresh greenery. These spring grass and flowers have embraced the power of the awakening of nature, its beauty and freshness, they are full of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, which we so lacking in the winter. And all this wealth they are willing to generously share with us.

Dandelions, parsley, nettle, peppermint, strawberry leaves - all this greenery, an excellent material for the preparation of the spring natural lotions and masks.

What a miracle this Dandelion!

The leaves, flowers, roots - all suitable for the preparation of cosmetics.

Refreshing Lotion dandelion for any skin.   Boil 2 tbsp. dandelion leaves spoons 1/4 liter of water for 15 minutes. Broth drain, cool and store in a dark, tightly sealed bottle in a cool place. Apply after cleansing the skin as a means of refreshing.

Lotion for oily skin.   Gather a handful of flowers and leaves. Wash, dry, put in half-liter jar, pour half a glass of vodka and put in a dark place for a week. Strain and squeeze raw materials, pour a quarter cup of boiled, preferably mineral water - lotion ready. Cotton swab to wipe the face, morning and evening.

Alas, spring blooms not only the nature! Many with the first rays of the spring sun on the skin show through the brown spots - freckles. Some people, they give a special piquancy and charm, but still the majority of the fair sex leads them merciless war. Here dandelion - our reliable ally.

Infusion of freckles . Pour two tablespoons of dandelion flowers cup of boiling water. Give liquid cool, strain and pour into a suitable container. Cotton swab moistened in the infusion, wipe the problem areas morning and evening.

Broth dandelion whitening pigment spots.   2 tbsp. chopped dandelion inflorescence pour 0, 5 liters of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes. Broth strain. Wipe face decoction is recommended 2 times a day.

• To remove freckles, you can also just smear them Dandelion juice   2-3 times per day. Brown spots require more frequent treatment - 4-5 times a day. Experts recommend that every time after applying the juice when the skin is already dries, wipe the face with a cotton swab dipped in serum or sour milk.

 Lotions and masks of spring grass
   Dandelion is not only tones and whitens the skin but also due to its rich chemical composition, its great powers. Masks from its fresh leaves to moisturize, nourish and rejuvenate the skin.

Vitamin mask of leaves and dandelion flowers.   Three tablespoons of leaves and dandelion flowers crushed, pour a tablespoon of warm milk and insist 10 minutes. Add: for dry skin - half the egg yolk, oily skin - a protein mix thoroughly. Apply to cleansed face, as drying, cover the skin with a mixture of a few more times. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm, then cold water.

Rejuvenating mask for aging skin.   We grind and mash to a state slurry some fresh dandelion leaves and 2-3 flowers, add a teaspoon of honey and a little water. Before applying the mask a person must be lubricated with olive or corn oil. Wash off after 15 minutes with warm water.

Means for strengthening hair . Infusion of the leaves of dandelions and beneficial effect on the hair, strengthens them no worse than many expensive resources. The recipe is very simple: a handful of crushed leaves per cup of boiling water for 30 minutes, rub into the hair roots through the day, preferably in the evening.

Mask for oily hair . Grind fresh dandelion leaves and knead into mush. Apply it on the scalp for 10 minutes, then rinse shampoo.

It makes sense to procure raw materials for the future of dandelions. After all, for the preparation of cosmetic products are suitable and dried flowers, leaves, roots of dandelions.

Nettle-krapivushka, burning travinushka ....!

 Lotions and masks of spring grass
   For vitamin green, which help us to refresh the skin after a cold winter, and is the nettle.

Nettle Lotion for oily skin . Fresh nettle leaves chopped, pour boiling water (1 cup to 5 tablespoons. Spoons of nettle), and insist 40 minutes. This broth wipe the face several times during the day.

Lotion of nettle juice for oily skin . Fresh nettle leaves squeeze the juice using a meat grinder, juicer or blender. On its basis it is possible to prepare an excellent lotion for oily skin. For this purpose, 100 g of vodka, take 2 tablespoons of juice, close the container tightly and leave for 1 day. The resulting infusion dilute 1/1 mineral water, wipe their greasy skin, morning and evening. Result - shine is removed, the skin becomes more opaque.

The mask of the nettle when flabby skin aging . A tablespoon of chopped fresh nettle leaves mixed with 1 teaspoon of liquid honey with 3 tablespoons milk, now does a lot on the person. After 10 minutes, cool water wash follows.

And of course, nettle - an excellent and proven tool for strengthening hair. The juice of fresh nettles, rub into the scalp for strengthening and growth of hair. With the same purpose infusion of nettle leaves rinse hair after each washing.

Curly beauty - parsley

 Lotions and masks of spring grass
   Parsley - a recognized expert on skin whitening, and its juice is a balm for tired eyes.

Parsley juice for skin whitening . For skin whitening, simply wipe the face of parsley juice. After wiping the juice is left on the face for 15-20 min., Then wash off with water and smeared nourishing cream.

Parsley juice from eye fatigue.   Moisten the parsley juice 2 cotton swabs and place on eyelids for 10 minutes. This procedure gives you rest your eyes, especially if you've read for a long time, worked hard at your computer or were in a smoky room.

Lotion for skin with dilated capillaries.   1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped parsley, pour a glass of boiled water, to a temperature of fresh milk. The effect will be better if to add parsley 1 tbsp. spoon of dried rose petals or sage, in which case the amount of water increases.

Mask of parsley for sagging skin . If the skin has lost its elasticity, and in addition there were dark spots - this mask is the best choice for you. Chopped (can be a meat grinder), parsley (about 2 tablespoons) impose on clean face, except for the lower eyelids for 20-30 min., Then rinse with cold water and apply on damp skin nourishing cream.

Strawberry + Mint!

 Lotions and masks of spring grass
   • Another spring original recipe.   Take 1 tablespoon mint leaves and strawberries and in the evening pour a glass of hot water, bring to a boil. Broth leave overnight. In the morning we filter it through cheesecloth into a suitable container and place in the refrigerator. This broth moistened pre-cleansed face, moreover, do it with your fingertips or a swab, without rubbing the skin. Lotion refreshes and moisturizes the skin, gently whitens, giving it a soft and velvety.

 Lotions and masks of spring grass
   To take care of the skin, not necessarily to buy expensive bottles and jars with overseas agents, look at the green carpet underfoot - in these simple and familiar plants we have everything they need for our tired winter skin.
Author: Olga Travleeva