Feeling tired is familiar to all. The most offensive, that the most often, tiredness and fatigue overtake when you need to be in the form: at work or school. As a result, you resort to strong espresso, energy or trying to force myself to cower and run up the stairs. We hasten to disappoint any of these methods will not add you energy. But there is good news.
Add energy will help ... a dream. It just seems counterproductive proposal. In fact, every year scientific studies prove that short sleep (or fast, as it is called experts) is an excellent way to increase energy levels and productivity.
And you should not think that this proposal is not for the working girls. Benefits siesta so undeniable, that some companies, such as Google and Apple, to allow their employees to nap at work, realizing all the benefits that gives their employees naps. Tell that to your boss.
And what good nap?
- It is good for your health.
Daytime sleep reduces stress, reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, weight gain.
- Daytime sleep activates the brain:
enhanced creativity, memory, learning ability, quick reaction, etc.
- It saves money
, Eliminates the expenses for snacks, sweets, coffee, energy drinks.

- It increases your efficiency at work.
There are studies showing that a 20-minute nap is more effective to increase productivity than 200 mg of caffeine. Well it illustrates the benefit of sleep for another test. Subjects were given the task of working for the fulfillment of which had for a long time: the whole day. By the end of the working day decreased productivity, and the test could not cope with the task. Then workers provided naps. After 30 minutes of sleep performance degradation was stopped, and after a 60 minute sleep productivity subjects really improved.
- Daytime sleep improves mood.
When you are asleep, the brain secretes serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for mood levels. Updating this chemical gives a sense of joy and in general a positive effect on mood.

How and when to sleep?
If you decide to self-assess the benefits of daytime sleep for yourself, it is important to know how to do it. The ideal time for an afternoon nap - from 13-00 to 16-00. The main condition - not to sleep later 16-00, because it can cause problems with sleep at night and falling asleep at night.
How long should naps last?
There are several techniques, each of which has its own problems and advantages. Among them:
- 10-20 minutes.
This period of time is ideal for the rapid increase in energy levels and alertness. Within 10-20 minutes, you will not have time to go into a phase of deep sleep and will stay only in the first two phases of sleep and wakefulness. If a deep sleep interrupted earlier than expected, you can feel the fatigue, but for 20 minutes until late phase is not reached. Thus, sleep for 10-20 minutes is best suited for those who have to work a very busy schedule.
- 30 minutes.
Not the most successful period, if necessary
revival and continuation of the work. For a time, the body will "sleep" inertia (as is already beginning phase of deep sleep), this is expressed primarily in the effect a little "padded feet." But if you do not need to start working immediately after this dream, you can appreciate the advantages of an afternoon nap, performance will still improve.
- 60 minutes.
This length of time for an afternoon nap is best suited to improve memory and to enhance creativity. It is more effective than 30 minute sleep. But it can also lead to the effect of sleep inertia, that is, restoring vitality will take some time.
- 90 minutes.
The most optimal time to complete a full cycle of sleep (all three phases). This dream leads to improved memory and activate the creative process, but also very effectively increases attentiveness. The 90-minute sleep to avoid sleep inertia (which is observed in the 30- and 60-minute intervals of sleep), and then after it is easier to wake up and immediately feel refreshed. True, the hour and a half of sleep has an obvious drawback - the impracticality. Not everyone can afford a lunch break of this duration. Another problem - not always wake up on their own may need an alarm clock.

Choose the length of sleep, which is best suited to you. The main recommendation is that the best option - it is 10-20 minutes, and 90 minutes of sleep. The first helps to recover in a very short time, and the second - giving a full recovery and renewal, but will take longer. Whatever you choose, it is important not to interrupt the stage of deep sleep, because it leads to feelings of fatigue, and even weakness.
Coffee + naps - it's the best siesta
So you need to very quickly recover and cheer. Which is better: a cup of coffee or a nap? The correct answer is the one and the other. The average caffeine requires 20 to 30 minutes to "take effect" and to give effect to the body. Therefore, you can safely drink a cup of coffee and go to bed. Contrary to the misconception that it is impossible to sleep after coffee. On the contrary, you can take a nap just need you 20 minutes and then wake up quickly, because the caffeine starts. And such a siesta - it is best to increase the energy level, combining the effects of daytime sleep and caffeine.

If you decide to sleep during the day
Take our advice, if you've never practiced naps:
- Set the alarm clock, not to sleep too much. You're now know that daytime sleep too much time to backfire.
- If you choose to sleep lasting 10-20 minutes, you can try sleeping in an upright position, for example, in a chair or sitting on the couch. This will help avoid a deep sleep phase.
- The setting is important. If possible, turn off the lights, try to limit noise. This will clear the mind, relax, allow for better rest.
- If sleep does not work, it does not mean that the body rests. Do not work in the time allotted for sleep.
We wish you good health and vitality every day!