Hardly anyone wants to somebody beheld their time applying masks with slices of cucumber, scraping heels using pumice or epilation feet. These facials want to spend alone with yourself - it's painful they unaesthetic. Here are a few examples of cosmetic products that are better try without witnesses.
Lacy mask Le Soin Noir by Givenchy
This anti-aging mask - not a cheap pleasure. All because of the famous and expensive French lace of Calais, of which it is created. It includes a unique juice kelp. They have a remarkable rejuvenating effect. The set is sold with a black mask moisturizing lotion, consistency a bit like oil.

Impregnated with black lace lotion similar color, the mask is applied to the face and hold for about 20 minutes. The feel of oiled lace quite controversial, but the effect rejuvenated, radiant skin is the place to be. But after its application can be found in the mirror a very strange and even frightening image, something resembling a bank robber. If you do not want to surprise or shock anyone, use this tool alone.

Mask Foot Baby Foot
Those who want to get a gentle, soft heels, like a child, it is necessary to decide on a procedure mask Baby Foot. But it is not just one day! We need to be patient with one to 3 weeks (depending on the type and manufacturers agent). Aesthetics is absent from the beginning of the procedure: first, to wear special socks, shoe covers, impregnated potent lineup peeling. They move quite uncomfortable, especially to appear in public.

But this is only the beginning. After 2-3 days, gradually begins to climb down the old, rough skin, giving place to date. The legs look as if they are badly burned, and the skin on them actively oblazit. That's really what is really not require witnesses.
Apart from the lack of aesthetics, there are purely practical drawbacks: numerous pieces of "falling down" of dead skin will dig into your socks or tights. Therefore it is better to remove them without prying eyes. Yet at the end of the procedure, and in truth the legs are transformed, heels become much softer, gentler disappear roughness cracks. For this effect, many are willing to suffer all these inconveniences.
Cellulite Shorts Slim Lytess
It's no secret that all types of anti-cellulite underwear or clothes do not look very priglyadno. They are not intended for general demonstration. Shorts Slim Lytess closely resemble popular in the 1990s shorts velosopedki which are relevant only during exercise. Slim Lytess filled microcapsules with an active anti-cellulite, which takes effect when the friction of the skin tissue, penetrating through the upper layers of the epidermis. But it is better to hide these wonderful shorts under his clothes and put them on a date with her beloved.

Whitening strips 3D-White
Who does not want to have a Hollywood smile shining? To do this, many turn to the dentist, and someone is trying to fulfill his wish with the help of strips 3D-White. They are designed to whiten teeth at home. They were advised to wear for 30 minutes per day for 10-30 days. Of course, the maximum glare expected. However, according to numerous reviews, the teeth become one or two shades lighter. During use, the strips do not forget about them and smile broadly around - it is unlikely they will appreciate it. It is better to wait for the procedure.
Spa-gloves Sephora
Just like a person, our hands need special care, nutrition and hydration. The use of creams is often not sufficient. Why not treat handles SPA-procedures? For this good fit gloves from the company Sephora. They are impregnated with gel-based oils of grape seed, jojoba, olive and vitamin E. A good composition for skin care hands. Wearing gloves is recommended for 10 to 20 minutes twice a week (about 50 applications). They are dimensionless and are easy to clean. However, the hands look pretty strange and unusual ...

The appliance Wrinkle Light Duo 595 Talika

If you do not like a cream applied to the skin, or they have some irritation on the skin, the device 595 Talika Light Duo will be a worthy alternative to your cosmetics. At its heart - light therapy. With it stimulates fibroblasts, reproduce elastin and collagen. Under the influence of healing light gradually reduces wrinkles, pigmentation, skin noticeably smoother and freshens. The approximate course of the procedure lasts about one or two months, depending on the desired result. According to studies, wrinkles become 32% smaller, and the pigment of the skin is reduced to 46%.

In use Light Duo 595 Talika it should be kept at a distance of 3 cm from the skin, illuminating it from 45 sec. to 1 min. Remember how absurd and strange looking man's face, under the light of a flashlight or UV lamps. About the same kind of fun it happens at those who use "elektrokremom" in public.