Living in this world, we exist in a physical form, but, apart from her, there is also an internal component - the soul of man, and it is important to achieve harmony between these two opposites. Sometimes the soul can be affected by the body and, in this case, people are losing their true nature. The internal component of the human impact on its appearance, shows what he really is. People with a pure and sincere heart always look beautiful, even without makeup. So what it means to have harmony between body and soul?
In most cases, it is believed that engaging in spiritual practices can achieve supernatural powers. However, it should be careful, because the gifts are given not only from God but from the evil one, too. God created man, giving him body and soul, and breathed life into it, gave the spirit. And it is not necessary to use Ayurveda or yoga to know the Almighty himself and something for which we are born. First of all, we look for the perfect love, the true, which brings true happiness. And that happiness is not about money, loved people, or career.
Happiness - it's the love of self and all others. This is a high sense of a person opens the ten senses, instead of five. Such a condition hard to put into words, at this moment I want to embrace all, and speak words of love. It is important, especially in our time, do not fall to the tricks of swindlers, who impose their views on others using a different religion, or any other method. True love is not angry. If someone teaches you some spiritual practices, pay attention to the changes in his character. What you get then? Have you changed for the better?
When a person reaches a certain state of mind, he becomes strong, brave, kind, gentle. This is immediately evident in different situations. His life is an example to others. People with great strength of spirit capable of extraordinary things. It was a lot of talk media. Often, people in dangerous situations manifests itself with a very unexpected direction, doing something for the good of the salvation of others. Even old women tie thieves infirm become healthy and are transformed into ugly beauties. The conclusion is that a person is able to govern themselves, using the will. Here it speaks of the unity of body and soul.

Clean body and soul - our beauty
The question arises: how to clear your mind and body? It turns out that a man who lives a disorderly life, the soul is the same. But if, on the contrary, it is in the heart of pure thought, and it is attractive in appearance. Let's take a closer look.
1. Physical cleanliness.
It is not difficult to recall, with some people it is easier to communicate - of course, with well-groomed, well-dressed. It is true, of negligent people immediately feel uneasy. The way we look, tells us about the responsibility to himself. Watch for the appearance must always be, even if sometimes does not happen before.
2. A clear schedule.
A man should know what he is actually doing in this life, and in any case should not waste time. Crisp graphics - a discipline of the body. A reasonable person will not waste myself on empty entertainment, he knows his purpose in life.
3. Clean relations.
For the balance of mind and body it is very important to treat people the same way we want to, and they treated us - kindly, honest, sincere. You should not lie, offense, modify, build intrigue, roll up scandals. That avoid this, the soul becomes purer, and it is becoming more beautiful and men. Of course, difficult to restrain anger, but you can still learn with time, at least sometimes, to control themselves. For example, to thank someone or to apologize for his mistake. Sometimes even some small act can radically change our lives. And to make us more bright, kind and sensitive to others. The right things will change our emotions and purifies the soul from all debris.
4. Setting.
Here we have in mind not only the order in the house, in the kitchen or at a computer desk. Also important are the people close that always surround us. It should remove from their midst those who bring negativity into our lives. For example, if you do not drink alcohol, and your friend, on the contrary, his lover, in this case, better to find another girlfriend. Your soul is not exactly clean, and if you spend time with people who have bad tastes. We become those with whom we communicate. There is a proverb: "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are! ".
5. Spiritual Growth.
This is the last but very important aspect for the development of ourselves as individuals. Revealing more in a spiritual state, we tend to forget, even for a moment, about the life of the body. So you can develop a variety of ways: to watch films about love, listening to music, reading books, going to church ... and doing so should always be.
From the author
When life is born absolutely still tiny man, he has a little energy - the soul. Last, as the body needs food, too, is only the spiritual - divine love. It is a ray of light in everyday life, but unfortunately, not everyone can find it. Those who managed to unleash your inner light, appreciate it as a jewel, shining all around its inner beauty. And no carnal feelings will never replace the man of the pure love of God, which can only be experienced soul. So open your heart to this love, and be beautiful not only externally, but also the soul!