The middle-aged skin in the winter feed
 How to keep our skin healthy this winter and moist? How not to add extra lines and wrinkles? These issues are faced by many. That is the end of January, and the problems of the winter rise even to those who thought that the "blow over." And even skeptics became clear that age-related changes are particularly intense in the winter.

A healthy lifestyle, a good anti-aging agent, a lot of drinking water - this is still not enough for the youth of the skin, and in the winter it is particularly evident. It turns out that we forget about one more ingredient for the health and youth of the skin - about nutrition from the inside.

If we want to preserve youth, avoiding dryness and peeling, the skin should be to "feed". So, the list of products for the winter is not quite young skin.

Winter Product №1. Avocados

Our skin, especially in the age, needs vitamin E. It is necessary to fight free radicals and other harmful winter, external factors. Vitamin E provides skin unprecedented protection from any external damage (by the way, any wound heals quickly under the influence of the vitamin).

 The middle-aged skin in the winter feed
   Avocados contain more vitamin E than any other fruit. However, avocado is composed special substance glutathione, an antioxidant that block cancer cells and resist aging. Foods rich in vitamin E helps the skin to not only protect themselves from external stimuli, but also to maintain a high level of humidity, even with frosts and strong winds. Moisturize the skin from within, we help her look younger, fresher and delay the aging process.

Winter Product №2. Green tea

If we want to protect the skin from wrinkles, we must give it the stock of collagen and elastin. Collagen allows the skin to remain elastic. Two cups of green tea a day can help our skin to intensify the process of the production of collagen and elastin, and even acts as a good antioxidant. Only one warning: too much green tea may have a negative impact on health.

By the way, oysters, kidneys, and red meat are also great help for the generation of collagen, because it is very rich in zinc, a necessary for the production of collagen.

Winter Product №3. Orange foods

 The middle-aged skin in the winter feed
   All products orange (pumpkin, carrot, mango, apricot, sweet potato, and others.) Comprise beta-carotene. This is - a necessary ingredient for the growth and regeneration of healthy skin. It is recommended, however, the use of beta-carotene in reasonable doses. In any case, the consumption of foods rich in this vitamin, make your skin just wonders in the cold season. Having in abundance this component, the skin will not be dry and flaky.

Winter Product №4. Blueberries

 The middle-aged skin in the winter feed
   There is a study that analyzed 40 fruits, berries and vegetables for the highest antioxidant activity. Blueberries took the first place! It contains vitamins C and E protect against free radicals most effectively. About Vitamin E and its ability in protecting the skin we have said, when presented avocado. And now for the vitamin C and the following product:

Winter Product №5. Tomatoes

 The middle-aged skin in the winter feed
   Even cooked and canned tomatoes contain unusually high amounts of vitamin C. As far as we know, our body can not produce this vitamin itself. However, this vitamin is vital to us, especially in winter, so be sure to pay attention to the foods rich in this vitamin. And why is it so important for the skin? It helps produce collagen, which allows the skin to remain supple and prevent wrinkles.

A good supplier of vitamin C in the winter can also be called oranges and red pepper. But tomatoes especially preferred because they are still rich in a substance - lycopene, great fighting free radicals in our body, but also protects against harmful UV rays.

Winter Product №6. Fish and nuts

Omega-3 fatty acids - an excellent moisturizer for the skin, they also retain the elasticity of the skin and prevent the formation of deep wrinkles. In winter, a moisturizing anti-wrinkle cream is best paired with omega-3 fatty acids, which act on the moisture inside. This is because the food inside increases the impact of products outside. Total 300-400 grams of fish per week, or 30 grams of walnuts a day - the amount recommended in the winter season.

Imagine Omega-3 fatty acids - this is for us, like oil for a car, without which the engine will not work well and safely. If you really eliminate these ingredients from their diet, the itching, dryness and peeling you provided. If you do not eat fish, these essential fatty acids can be obtained in sufficient quantities from flaxseed (meals can be enjoyed on linseed oil, for example).

Another effective provider of healthy fats - walnuts. They contain linolenic acid that the body can not produce on their own. Walnuts also have zinc, needed for regeneration and rejuvenation.

Winter Product №7. Olive oil

 The middle-aged skin in the winter feed
   Australian scientists have presented a study which examines the relationship between diet and aging skin. As a result, it was found that people who constantly consume large amounts of olive oil, preserves youthfulness of skin is significantly longer than those who did not use olive oil. Indeed, olive oil - a monounsaturated fats which are able to protect cell membranes from degradation. And this is - and skin elasticity and hydration. In addition, the benefit of olive oil says a high content of vitamin E and beta-carotene, the benefits of which have already been said a lot.

And yet, we note that each of these products, of course, is good, and from time to time we use them. But a significant difference in the skin condition you can see when it is complex to use these products. Then in the spring, your skin will not lose attractiveness, and health over the winter will not be lowered, and you will "shine" and to please all its magnificent appearance all year long! Youth and beauty of you, ladies!
Author: Julia Gnedina