Dysbacteriosis: cause or consequence?
 You have diagnosed - a goiter. Before you run to the pharmacy, look at the reasons and consequences! In recent years, diagnosis dysbacteriosis exhibit approximately the same frequency as the OCR during epidemics. Moreover, such a situation is typical only for Russia. What lies behind this popular diagnosis? The real disease or just a reluctance or inability of the doctor to understand the root cause of disorders of the intestine?

Our invisible helpers

We always have contact with microorganisms of the environment and those who live on the skin and mucous membranes, and the inside of the body, particularly in the gut, where they most. In the course of evolution, humans and microorganisms have learned not only to coexist but also to extract from such a close contact of the maximum benefit.

 Dysbacteriosis: cause or consequence?
 It is a mutually beneficial partnership, or, in scientific language, symbiosis allows bacteria to get the nutrition they need and the "roof over your head." At the same bacteria and do not remain in debt: produce enzymes to help us digest food better regulate the reabsorption of bile acids in the intestine, sex hormones, cholesterol, involved in water-salt metabolism. Bacteria isolated vital substances (vitamins, antibiotics, hormones, etc.), various neutralize toxins, are a source of energy. They play a huge role in maintaining the immune system, combat cancer. Useful microorganisms, not wanting to lose the "home place", desperately struggling with other human pathogens. Thus, a stable gut microflora protects it from settling foreign microbes.

"Demographic problem" small world

It so happens that the natural balance of microorganisms is broken: change of their qualitative and quantitative composition. There are many reasons that can lead to a malfunction, for example, the banal overeating or emotionally intense day. But in a healthy body failure it is very short-lived: even after such a "radical" treatments like hydrotherapy, the initial microbial landscape is restored within a few hours maximum per day.

But the body, weakened by constant stress, poor diet or trendy diets, uncontrolled self-medicate, especially with the use of antibiotics, no longer able to keep their little helpers, and they begin to die. A holy place, as you know, is never empty! And the release of "living space" grab mushrooms and bacteria.

That's when a man begins to run on doctors! His card accumulates huge number of different diagnoses, often conflicting, or there is a mysterious post - intestinal dysbiosis.

Causal mess

Usually dysbiosis accepted blame all the ills that affect defecation disorders and other ailments. And once installed culprit appointed and appropriate therapy, which is designed in some way to increase the number of beneficial bacteria and reduce harmful. Also, measures are being taken to eliminate the toxicity, ie, chronic poisoning of the body, the liver function is supported. However, all of this - half-measures. After all, if one came dysbacteriosis, where is the guarantee that he will not appear again?

Intestinal dysbiosis - the concept of microbiological, characterized by impaired intestinal microflora relations representatives. It is not a diagnosis, it is a symptom that accompanies any disease or malfunction of the body. There are some reasons that led to the mass destruction of beneficial bacteria. And all attempts to colonize the intestine of "outside" are doomed to failure. Because the conditions that caused the death of beneficial microbes, have not gone away!

You always have to look for the cause of dysbiosis. Just restore the microflora is meaningless until it is identified and corrected conditions caused by it.

Looking specialist

 Dysbacteriosis: cause or consequence?
 Dysbacteriosis installed in the majority of cases based on complaints (unstable stool, pain and discomfort in the abdomen, bloating, intolerance to certain foods, skin allergy, fatigue, etc.) and microbiological examination of stool, which detects change in the ratio of useful and "bad" microbes .

"This approach is clearly insufficient, - says head of the therapy department clinic of the Moscow Institute of Cybernetic Medicine Vladimir Markovski. - Because it does not imply a search for the causes of dysbiosis. And therefore prescribe treatment is often ineffective. Treatment should be directed at the cause rather than a consequence of it - goiter. "

- Vladimir Borisovich, what diagnostic methods you are using?

- We use the algorithm of survey named us "The gold standard of diagnosis." It is a complex of 20 studies, which cover almost all organs and systems, and provide the doctor with comprehensive information about the processes of the organism. After all, everyone goes their way to the disease, and of course, It has its own, individual reasons for its occurrence.

There are many conditions that lead to the development of dysbiosis: gastrointestinal disease, cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, chemotherapy, hormone-therapy and radiation.

They play the role of social factors: physical and psychological overload, incorrect or unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins.

During the ten years of work in the clinic I have repeatedly convinced that the "gold standard diagnosis" allows the doctor to make the correct diagnosis and develop a strategy and tactics of treatment, optimally matched to each individual based on the individual characteristics of the organism.

- But perhaps, after all, in most cases - bowel disease?

- There are a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which give a picture of dysbiosis, such as various syndromes impaired intestinal absorption due to lack of an enzyme, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, etc. Various Yes banal intestinal infections - as they want! By the way, in recent years dramatically increased the number of patients with giardiasis, which is used to identify, usually in children.

In a healthy body healthy ... chair!

 Dysbacteriosis: cause or consequence?
 The clinic complex treatment aimed primarily at the underlying disease and the restoration of the body's internal resources. A healthy body and microflora feels good! Together with her and return a good mood, and improve the appearance, and most importantly, return to the ranks of our natural defenses.

- Vladimir Borisovich, what would you wish our readers a New Year's Eve?

- Try not to abuse much, my dear, - it is also one of the causes of dysbiosis! But, seriously, I wish you health and simple human happiness - it is so often lacking in our lives!

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