Disease is inherited
 Every woman dreams that her baby was healthy and strong. The general state of the offspring is affected by many factors, but one of the most important - the health of his parents. What child can get the disease from mothers and fathers inherited? Let's deal!

Statistics inexorable: about 5 hundred children are born with genetically determined diseases. The list of diseases that can "hide" in the genes is huge - more than six thousand! There is a high risk that they will sooner or later manifest itself, but it can be reduced by taking appropriate measures. Consider the problem and its solutions.

Breast Cancer

Sinister diagnosis "breast cancer" put 54 thousand per year. Russian women. In 10% of cases, the woman has to deal with a hereditary form of the disease. The risk of mother-to adopt the mutated gene is 50%. If the predisposition of cancer is high, girls should avoid stress, oily and overly rich food, breast injuries, and hormonal disorders. In addition, smoking and should be deleted to minimize (deletion) alcohol. Not recommended as sunbathing topless.

How to reduce the risk of disease?   All of the girls from the age of 14, on a mandatory basis should be carried out self-examination of breast, and after crossing the 45-year-old overseas once a year to visit mammalogy and receive special diagnostics. Save Health helps restful sleep, a healthy diet and regular sex life.


The main symptom of this disease is an excess of glucose in the blood. During the disease can be suspected if a person loses a lot of fluid and his unquenchable thirst torments. Associated symptoms are weakness and headaches, itchy skin, and visual disturbances. If you suffer from diabetes mellitus is one of the parents, the probability of getting it "inherited" to the first type of diabetes is 10%, while the second - 80%. Provocateur disease is overeating and regular hobby simple carbohydrates (cakes, pastries, muffins, juices, chocolate).

How to reduce the risk of disease?   It is desirable, at least once a year for tests to determine blood sugar, or to conduct their own research using special test strips for home use. Furthermore, it should move more, to engage in one of the sports and tempered.

 Disease is inherited

Uterine fibroids

Included in the number of common women's diseases. It is a unit rounded shape, the weight of which can reach up to half hundredweight! According to the WHO, about 50% of women aged 35-50 years suffer from this disease. Benign tumors often develop without symptoms, but can be felt pain and sharp pains in the abdomen, bleeding.

How to reduce the risk of disease?   If the girl's disease is genetic, it can manifest itself in the 5-10 years before the usual age limits, that is, in the 20-25 years of age. The main cause of the disease is a hormonal imbalance in the body. But the trigger that leads to fibroids, is the introduction of the intrauterine device and traumatic childbirth. Reduce the risk of the disease, unfortunately, it is very difficult. Therefore, the existence of a girl of any gynecological diseases, should be carried out every six months ultrasound.

Arterial hypertension

If one member of the family pressure is consistently higher than the mark of 140/90 mm Hg. Art., it makes sense to suspect the disease. Under the impact of cardiovascular disease is heart work (because when it increases vascular occlusion), kidney (they are, on the contrary, shrink), and brain (it atrophies). If both parents suffer from hypertension risk to get "good" with the genes is 50-75%.

How to reduce the risk of disease?   Provocateurs pressure rise is a particular gene and ... overweight. It should, from time to time, to check its pressure on the blood pressure monitor, and each time the deterioration of general well-being. Rejection of salt, pickles, hot spices, dumplings, sausages and coffee will reduce the specified tonometer 5-7 mm Hg. Art.

Metabolic diseases

Metabolism or metabolism as it is otherwise called, - a speed control process and energy generation in the body. The most common condition is a lipid metabolism, resulting in decreased immunity and becoming overweight. If one parent is full, the probability of a child to inherit the non-ideal figure is 40%. Provocateurs failure of metabolism in the body may be a violation of the endocrine and nervous systems, and an unhealthy diet.

How to reduce the risk of disease?   It is necessary to constantly monitor the body mass index (can be found using the formulas or special online calculator). By increasing the value should consult a doctor to determine the causes of the violations and to review the way of life, in particular, sleep and food.


Allergic symptoms can overtake the person in contact with dust, pollen, animal dander, certain medications, household chemicals and food. The outcome of "the meeting" can become a pain in the eyes, runny nose, sneezing, cough, edema, skin rashes and other. In some situations, the problem can result in eczema, shortness of breath and even hearing loss. If allergy suffers one of the parents, the likelihood of a child inheriting it is estimated 30% and if both parents - 60%.

How to reduce the risk of disease?   Rid life from allergic reactions, you can use medical procedures. To do this, allergy sufferers have to go through an allergen-specific immunotherapy, or to make "allergy vaccination". The latter involves several injections with an allergen, which are entered in a certain way with a consistent dose of enthusiasm.

Take care of your health from an early age should be - reads a truism. Take care of yourself and your loved ones to life to please you only pleasant events!
Author: Natalia Bartukova

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