Burberry launches its own funds for the skin
 Premiere line Burberry Skin Care will be held in 2015. The news was announced Bloomberg, predicted soon hit the British brand in the top 10 beauty brands.

Most recently, the new creative director of Burberry, Christopher Bailey has become. And his first public appearance once brought a surprise: Christopher announced plans to expand the range of UK-based cosmetic line and run Burberry Skin Care - a series of means to care for skin.

Details on updates have not appeared yet, but until 2015 there is still time to proanonsirovat line in more detail. And now the experts, it is clear that the output of the line of makeup by Burberry in 2010 was not just an experiment, and is a logical step in the integration of the company in the beauty industry. Line Burberry Skin Care brand continues to move into the lead.

Author: MyCharm.ru: Julia Gnedina