The achievements of the modern world never ceases to please its novelty and originality. Movies in 3D to conquer the world, the time has come to realize the effect and manicure.
The amazing new product from the company
- Varnishes
3-D effect
Magnetic FX
Stunning colors and a magic formula that allows us to create a holographic patterns marigolds. The secret lies in the composition of the varnish, which consists of metallic micro-particles. Through
special magnets
(which are attached to each of the nail), they form
original pattern
The procedure is very simple and does not take a lot of time, literally
10 seconds per nail
. For each color,
Magnetic FX
provided a most suitable to him, drawing.
* On purple lacquer with glittering particles
Force Field
with a magnet will create the effect of "water ripple".
* On gray
Paint On Electron
You can capture the pulse of electric discharge.
* In a saturated blue
Opposites Attract
attraction hemispheres.
Through a series of varnishes
Magnetic FX
You can create a unique, unlike anything manicure their hands. Either way, complete with this vibrant piece, does not remain without attention. With a dream
Estimated price: 656 rubles.
Author: MyCharm.ru: Anna Shustrova