In "The Devil Wears Prada" to be continued
 Author of the novel "The Devil Wears Prada," Lauren Weisberger announced that it is working on the continuation of the story, and even disclosed some details.

Note on what the movie ended? Andy parted with his boss Miranda Priestly, leaving the fashionable gloss.

It took 8 years, Andy is now editor of the eminent wedding magazine. By the way, now it works, Emily (remember, this harmful second assistant Miranda?). Andy is busy preparing his wedding with Max, but ... And then the idyll comes to an end, and the main character once again have to face the very Miranda. Rivalry, competition ... All in all, the story twists very seriously.

 In "The Devil Wears Prada" to be continued
Anne Hattauey and Meryl Streep starring "The Devil Wears Prada"

Author history while continuing calls it "Revenge Wears Prada," she promises that the public will be able to read the new book in April 2013, the new novel will come out exactly 10 years after the publication of the previous history (2003). Recall that the cult film was released in 2006.

 In "The Devil Wears Prada" to be continued
Andy, Miranda and Emily - will become heroines and second stories of the world of fashion and gloss

As for the film adaptation of the novel is not reported, although there is little doubt that such a welcome fall in the history of cinema.

Author: Julia Gnedina