On September 1, read the latest Yoga Journal
 More and more celebrities are campaigning for yoga. On the pages of the September Yoga Journal CONNECT his impressions of the first lesson of yoga actress Yekaterina Volkova Yulia Snigir and actor Konstantin Kryukov. You will learn in the pages of the new practical advice on how to begin to engage, and how to choose the practice.

Elena Siderskiĭ talks about the style of "Yoga-23", which was founded by her father Andrew Siderskiĭ.

One of the world's most famous teachers of Kundalini Yoga Singh map reveals the secret meaning of the teachings.

The room - partner practice with the basic asanas to practice with a partner, study Ardha Chandrasany (half moon pose) for beginners and asanas to relieve swelling.

Yoga enthusiasts will learn how to stop being afraid of and what to look fear in the face, learn to practice humility and patience when nothing else to do, and understand, which means "to sit" during meditation.

Author: myCharm: Julia Gnedina