Menu Geisha
 The secret harmony geisha is simple: they do not eat as much by mouth as his eyes, but is it true?

Slim - one of the main conditions for the beauty of the dream of any Japanese - Geisha. His graceful teenage Japanese first obligation traditional national diet: rice, always fresh seafood and steamed or fresh vegetables. But the fruit very expensive in Okinawa, so not a typical component supply the Japanese.

Interesting!   The main "diet" typically Japanese - moderation in eating - the best of diets.


The basis of the diet in Japan, as in other countries in Southeast Asia since ancient times was and is His Majesty Figure, it comprises 8 amino acids, which requires a person to create new cells. Rice contains several B vitamins: thiamin B1, riboflavin B2, niacin B3 and B6; vitamin PP, carotene, vitamin E, which help to strengthen the nervous system and beneficial effect on skin, hair and nails. Fig comprises sufficient minerals needed by the body potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, calcium, iodine and selenium. The rice contains complex carbohydrates, so Fig nutritious, but without the calories and vice versa, contributes to the overall weight loss.
Important!   The stronger been processed and polished rice grains, the less it contains vitamins and minerals.

Marine rice

"Maritime rice" (Japanese rice) - a product of fermentation - outwardly it resembles ordinary rice overcooked. However, this product has a number of unique properties: the restoration of the metabolism, leaching of salts, the fight against excess weight, etc. Active therapeutic effect associated marine rice, primarily the presence therein of unique glucuronic, p-coumaric and chlorogenic acids. In addition, these acids are the most active antioxidants which inhibit free radicals.

 Menu Geisha

Fish and seafood - the second constant is the Japanese diet - are a real pantry essential trace elements and nutrients. These products - the sources of B-complex vitamins and essential minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and iron, as well as trace elements - selenium, zinc and iodine. The seafood are missing only two types of essential nutrients: vitamin C and carbohydrates. In addition, fish contains polenasyschennye fatty acids are not produced in our body, which prevent the development of depression and dementia in old age.

Important!   In Japanese cuisine, cream and melted butter and fat zhivot¬ny hardly used. All dishes are prepared with vegetable oils, fish oil or no.

Caution: soy!

Favorite Japanese food made from soy, including tofu, are a kind of balance control nutrient absorption as soy interferes with the absorption of iodine by the body, which may be due to an overabundance of consumption of fish and seafood in large quantities. For Europeans, the soy foods is limited, since according to research, the constant consumption of soy can lead to many diseases, in particular, to the failure of the thyroid gland. The use of soy products in large quantities can cause skin rashes, rhinitis, dermatitis, eczema and other diseases.

Interesting!   According to Japanese folk tradition, the day should be three meals, each of which includes three cups of rice, which are not large in scope.

 Menu Geisha
 As far as the Japanese "Japanese diet"?

Today the so-called "Japanese diet" in Russia occupies a leading position .  The uniqueness of this system is to losing weight is that it guarantees loss of 7-8 kg for two weeks .  This alleged effect of such a diet will continue for at least 2-3 years without any further effort on your part .  However, the Japanese diet actually has little in common with traditional Japanese meals themselves .  This system is so called because it was developed by highly qualified specialists of the Japanese clinic "Yaeks" .  The Japanese diet includes quite restrictive: for 13 days is strictly forbidden to eat sugar, salt, alcohol, flour and confectionery .  However, between meals is allowed without restrictions drink mineral (without gas) or filtered water .  Japanese diet must be followed exactly, without changing the sequence of products, since only in this case there is a change, and stabilization of the metabolism .
Author: Inna Sedykh