Calendula for your health and beauty
 "That nails that go to sleep with the sun
And with the sun wake up in tears "
(William Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale").

It is said that once, long ago, there lived a weak and sickly boy, but he grew up and became a famous healer, who selflessly helped people drink from the medicinal herbs. Having heard about this kind man a wicked witch, to which he was involuntarily competition, and agreed to its lime. She invited the doctor to his guests and his opoila poisoned wine. When he got to the village and felt that is about to leave the white light, he asked the healer to bury the nail into the ground with his left hand under the window witch. People complied with his request, and increased at this point, flower, bright as the sun. I saw it and broke the Witch at the same moment, and not a trace of her evil spirit. A golden flower, called a nail in the people, still treats people from many illnesses.

Calendula officinalis or marigolds - Calendula officinalis L.   - An annual herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. Height leafy branching pubescent stem from 40 to 80cm. Lower, wider elongated soft like leaves clothe the trunk. The upper smaller. Golden-yellow or orange flowers are collected in baskets with a diameter up to 4-8sm.

Calendula blooms from June until autumn. Fruits achenes in the form of a nail. They ripen from July until frost. On the territory of Russia is found only in a cultural form in the flowerbeds, lawns, gardens. Sometimes runs wild. Likes moist, sunny, open spaces.

 Calendula for your health and beauty
 For medicinal purposes   collected during flowering racemes. Dried raw material in the attic or outdoors in the shade under a canopy, laying a thin layer and turning regularly. Flower baskets comprise: vitamin C, carotene, essential oils, resins, mucus, organic acids and bitter substances.

The first of the healing properties of marigold wrote in I century AD. e. Greek physician and philosopher Dioscorides, author pharmacology «Materia medica». He used drugs of calendula flowers for liver and gall bladder, jaundice, diseases of the spleen, stomach cramps, with stones in the bladder by coughing, hypertension, cardiac neurosis, scrofula, rickets, in wounds, cuts, ulcers.

He paid tribute healing properties of calendula and physician Ibn Sina of XI century.

In Medieval Europe, chopped calendula flowers inside with prescribed diseases of the female reproductive system.

Calendula was the favorite flower of the Queen of Navarre Margaret of Valois.

Modern medicine uses a tincture Marigold on alcohol as an antiseptic gargle for at angina and to heal wounds and cuts. Tincture is sold in pharmacies.

 Calendula for your health and beauty
 Traditional medicine uses calendula in the form of tinctures and infusions, as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic, choleretic, analgesic, disinfectant, wound healing, dermatotonicheskoe means.

In the form of lotions for cuts, bruises, burns, oily, abrasions.

For irrigation during cervical erosion and obesity.

To rinse with periodontitis, bleeding gums and thrush in children.

Decoctions administered orally to treat liver diseases, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis.

- Broth 2 Art. spoon izmёlchёnnyh baskets to fill in 1, 5 glasses of boiled water at room temperature, insist 8 hours. Strain and drink in equal portions on an empty stomach, at night and in between meals.

Applied as a tincture of calendula as a choleretic.

- Infusion 2 Art. tablespoons chopped flowers pour 1 cup boiling water, heated in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain, take ¼ cup 3-4 times a day.

 Calendula for your health and beauty
 Calendula has long been used in cosmetics.

- Lotions and wipe   tincture and the infusion of the flowers cut the pores on your face, reduce fat separation. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped dry raw sugar and 1 cup boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for half an hour, cool, drain, wipe face in the morning and evening.

- When pimples and blackheads gauze to soak this infusion and apply on face for 20-25 minutes. Do not wash.

- If your skin is oily, then bought in a drugstore calendula tincture is diluted with boiled water 1: 1 and is used as a lotion.

- That the skin to matt and smooth, use water for wiping the face and body. 1 teaspoon crushed dried flowers poured a glass of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes, cool, strain. Face wiped with a cotton swab, a body with a soft sponge.

- For oily seborrhea and to give hair silky and shiny. 4 tbsp. spoons of flowers to fill 1 liter of boiling water, press 1 hour, cool, drain, rinse hair after washing. If dandruff and hair loss infusion rubbed into the scalp.

- For oily scalp and hair loss and stimulate their growth. 2 tbsp. spoon pharmacy tincture of calendula mixed with ½ teaspoon of castor oil and rub into the scalp for half an hour before washing.

- When dry skin on the 2st. tablespoons of tincture taken 1st. Spoon castor oil.

Calendula used in the food industry as a natural colorant for cheese, margarine, butter, some drinks. In cooking, fresh flower baskets put into soups, added to salads, sprinkled on their sandwiches, from They are preparing infusions.

Mages are advised to attract happiness in personal life always keep in the house a few dried flowers bright orange marigold sewn into a linen bag.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva