New Year's holiday, full of magic, mystery and joyful anticipation, no wonder so loved by all - it allows us to go back to childhood. After all, the soul of every living child, and when, if not in this magical night, to shake off the burden of care, problems, worries and feel like a princess from a fairy tale, the mermaid, the forest nymph or ... snake charming. Perhaps for this reason, - light sadness for the departed childhood, we like to try on the masks of characters of the Eastern calendar. Well, next year is the year of Black Water Snake, and its intriguing and dangerous way of giving a great meal in our wild imagination.
Never mind that until February 10, when actually there will come the New Year on the Eastern calendar, we remain at the mercy of the Dragon, I think, he will not mind, because they are a snake, it does not tell the relatives. Moreover, both the black and the water ... and the preferences they have almost identical. Therefore all orders last year, if you have them prepared, focusing on the tentative taste of the Dragon, after some minor updates and additions should be fine for a new meeting of 2013.
So what is it, Snake?
Many peoples of the East and the West, see a snake being dangerous, cunning, and at the same time worthy of respect. And at the same time, a snake is attributed to the wisdom, insight, and the ability to healing. Endowed with magical properties of snake skin, so that the choice of the top cover to focus on.
Snake outfit
To look beautiful snake-New Year's Eve it is necessary to consider all the details of the image, and especially the dress, his style, the fabric, the right finish. In the coming year we will patronize the black snake, so naturally black evening dress - perfect for a New Year's ball, but there are options.
Pick up the outfit according to your figure and feel the upcoming party. After all, there is a difference where you meet a holiday - in a luxury restaurant in the country in a noisy circle of friends, or in a narrow family circle. But the general trend is.
If your figure allows, definitely worth to wear on New Year's ball gown, tight and emphasizes the beauty of your body. Length dresses or skirts at your discretion, but preferably all the same maximum length. For women with a curvy shape, it is desirable to provide a shaped vertical folds, drapes, and other techniques that will make you more visually slimmer.
![Holiday in the "snake style"
Holiday in the "snake style"](http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B4D_-hfUivBpdFpfR2NYNktRd0E)
For a more democratic choices of New Year celebrations can be selected and pants suit in the snake style, and a short dress or a blouse with a skirt with a pronounced snake print.
The color scheme for the clothing, the black water snake - black and all shades of dark blue, green, steel. Not only a style but also to the choice of fabrics for festive attire should go with full attention.
One of the best options would be of satin dress, satin or stretch - the dense fabric with a smooth, shiny surface, as no other is suitable for sewing tight evening dresses. Dresses and blouses of satin look very elegant, feminine and beautifully oblegaya figure and emphasizing its beneficial virtues. Great outfit suitable to the topic, can be made from satin, chiffon, polyester fabric with a metallic coating. Perfect fit our image of Snake will be a festive outfit made of natural or artificial so-called "wet skin".
![Holiday in the "snake style"
Holiday in the "snake style"](http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B4D_-hfUivBpYjVZYTZ2RnRmb0U)
Clothes for the New Year is not in any way have to be boring - reptile print on fabric, finishing as iridescent flakes, brooch in the form of snakes, etc. Add the matching accessories evening dress with snake theme, harmonious handbag and shoes. Do not forget that all parts of clothing should be thoroughly thought through. Astrologers warned: Accessories from this snake skin is not entirely appropriate in this case, but the decorative trim "under the snake skin" and snake prints should be fine.
The ornaments follow moderation, do not wear bright beads, tinsel - your choice - white gold, silver, string of pearls, if it is in harmony with the dress. Especially because this jewel of marine origin, hence, one element from the water and by the Serpent, according to Chinese belief, snakes have such a good tradition - to endow good people pearls.
"Serpentine" makeup
Any make-up, and in the "style of the serpent" also begins with the application of a tonal framework. Remember, New Year's Eve may last until the early hours, so choose a stable tonal basis. Professionals advise to give preference to BB cream, the use of which would reduce the amount of make-up on her face, create a smooth fresh face tone. BB Cream Apply a thin layer on clean from grease and dirt skin, small skin imperfections mask special pencil or concealer. Above the foundation is required to apply a transparent powder - it will strengthen the tone and give the skin a matte finish.
Focus on the eyes
Eyes - on them in the first place, it is necessary to pay attention when applying makeup. It is believed that the snake loves colors such as dark green, blue, black, gold and silver, mother of pearl. But when you select when choosing eye shadow definitely consider your skin tone, eye color, and color dress, otherwise, the result might not be exactly what you expected.
![Holiday in the "snake style"
Holiday in the "snake style"](http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B4D_-hfUivBpaTdfYlJURGdNcmc)
The shadows of green and gold colors is particularly well suited for brown eyes, blue and silver are perfect for blue eyes. To create the "snake" make-up suit flickering shadows and arrows. They help to create enigmatic and mysterious eyes snake eyes, though the arrow can be applied not only in the classic black version, but also in various shades of cool colors. In a festive make-up, you can indulge in the use of false eyelashes.
![Holiday in the "snake style"
Holiday in the "snake style"](http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B4D_-hfUivBpYnBXU0NCZnZlVjQ)
The original eye makeup makeup artists offer Fashion House
: Using light tonal resources and proofreaders is attached to the skin even lighter shade, then to the upper eyelids fingertips driven in silver shade, with bright colors interspersed with darker. The skin begins to resemble a snake century scales. It looks so unusual and stylish make-up and, according to the creators, highlights the variability and unpredictability of the female snake's life.
In principle, suitable for the creation of the snake image and 'smoky makeup' eyes, and not only in the familiar gray and black shades, but with shades of gold, olive, brown and blue.
![Holiday in the "snake style"
Holiday in the "snake style"](http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B4D_-hfUivBpTzNRSWRRVERhX28)
For a festive New Year's make-up is appropriate to use rhinestones, sequins experimenting with patterns, and when did this exercise not in this magical night. Just think over everything and work out in advance, so that the result did not disappoint expectations. Focusing on the eyes, the lips should be left more tender and vice versa. Do not leave unattended nails. There are very interesting "snake" manicure options.
Focus on lips
![Holiday in the "snake style"
Holiday in the "snake style"](http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B4D_-hfUivBpUVdvNk12OEdndTg)
If you focus on the eye, why whatever is undesirable, we put the emphasis on the lips. In this case, for the New Year's holidays choose fashion lipstick saturated colors ranging from dark red to purple. The outline of the lips clear and accurate, so it is advisable to use a pencil loop in perfectly with the tone of lipstick, and for the application of the use of lipstick brush. As for the festive variant of lipstick are of great importance such her quality as saturated color, luster, durability, look for lipstick, nail polish
YSL Rouge Pur Couture Glossy Stain
- All this is inherent in it. The texture of the lipstick is very nice, it is not felt on the lips and not stick, and a handy applicator first attempt draws smooth contour.
![Holiday in the "snake style"
Holiday in the "snake style"](http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B4D_-hfUivBpeFM0dDdndmZJbEk)
Well, perhaps it is New Year's holiday, it is an occasion to try to imagine a creative idea that arose a couple of years ago - two-tone lips! Interesting combination of colors: fuchsia and orange, scarlet to purple, magenta, burgundy - with a pale lilac. And if it matches your appearance, and along, the black and red. The classic version of the two-color makeup lips - the darker the lower lip, and a light top, but you can do, and vice versa .... By the way, with twin lips are well combined black arrows on the upper eyelid eyes.
![Holiday in the "snake style"
Holiday in the "snake style"](http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B4D_-hfUivBpY2FOLU9mZFRuOUk)
What else is good New Year's holiday - if you do not have time to try the night of December 31 all resulting ideas, you still have the chance. After the New Year we have the tradition, we celebrate at least three times - the classic New Year, New Year, old style, and eastern New Year! So that is where to turn and show their creativity.
![Holiday in the "snake style"
Holiday in the "snake style"](http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B4D_-hfUivBpMWFCeTVoVVh6Qm8)
And no matter what version of the new year, you did not celebrate, even good makeup, perfect choice of festive attire to make each of us a compelling, will bring a good mood, and perhaps will be the beginning of positive change, which we have hope in the New Year's Eve!