Sea theme clothing. How to wear?
 With enviable regularity designers from one summer to another return to the sea theme. After all, nothing could be more suitable for summer. Sun, sky, sand and endless ocean water, well or lake, river - who as lucky.

Many designers have again returned to this theme, presenting it in different variations for all tastes. If you have not had time to appreciate the idea, then now is the time.

What good is the sea style?
Marine style allows you to create a lot of images from the business to romantic and even vintage. The combination of the typical colors of this style is emphasized as the tanned skin and more ... umm ... not very tanned. Moreover, it creates a real holiday mood. Women absolute all shapes and sizes will be able to pick up what you need.

The Basics
The main colors are considered to be white, black, blue and red. They form the basis of a combination of bases. Followed by: stripes of different widths, easy recognizable cut, contrasting trim.

As soon talking about cut, we should mention the double-breasted jackets, skirts, sun dresses with cut "boat", short pants, tight pants. In general, the options are really a lot. So no matter what your weight or body type, each of us can become a captain.

 Sea theme clothing. How to wear?

And now, from theory to practice
I may say, must-have in a nautical theme - frock . More specifically, variations on this theme. Very carefully look white tops and sweaters in blue or black pinstriped with cutout "boat." Clearly, if a collar is appropriate, it is necessary to give preference to a V-neck, etc.

 Sea theme clothing. How to wear?

What good "vest"? It is a universal thing, it can help to create a variety of different images: the rock-n-roll, courageous, romantic and classic. This article of clothing, and combined with skirts, and shorts, and trousers, and jeans.

 Sea theme clothing. How to wear?

Coco Chanel herself loved this wonderful thing.

 Sea theme clothing. How to wear?
Audrey Tautou as Coco Chanel movie "Coco Chanel"

For office perfect jacket in the style of maritime military - double-breasted jacket Resembling the shape of the sailors. Be careful, do not wear a "vest" with such a jacket. It will be a bust. This jacket beautiful blue or black can be worn with white, blue, beige trousers or a skirt, dress (even in the strip, the strip if that is not a lot), white shirt, yellow or coral top.

 Sea theme clothing. How to wear?

Striped dress . This attribute marine style, rather, comes from the movies than from the sea. But, nevertheless, there is nothing more appropriate to create a romantic image of sailors. It is not necessary to wear a striped dress from head to toe. Absolutely striped dress looks good not at all.

 Sea theme clothing. How to wear?

From conventional marine theme characters turn to innovative. Not only strips associated with the sea. It is worth remembering fish, anchors, little boats, etc. - Such a thing is better to combine with simple monophonic. In order not to overload the image. If you still do not dare to try on the way sailors, or you want to complement your outfit, then take a look at accessories with marine issues : Brooches, earrings, shoes, bags - the easiest way to start.

 Sea theme clothing. How to wear?

Do not confine only to ships. After all, the sea - it is fish, and sand, and components, and pirates and treasures, etc. - All this can be beat and create a unique marine style.

Women with forms can recommend dresses of plain fabrics with contrasting trim. Add accessories: brooches, shoes, scarves, to complete the image.

Can experiment with strip . Pay attention to the following points:
- Firstly, the striped clothes should be your size or even one size larger, so do not stretch the strip.
- Secondly, the strips must not be too narrow.
- Thirdly, not necessarily to be ordered.
- Fourth, relevant to you all the same color and wardrobe items that for all. The only exception: some women should refrain from jackets rigid form.

 Sea theme clothing. How to wear?

Successful experiments you!
Author: Vera Karabutova