Oh, this PMS!
 Most women experience this phenomenon every month, and some even more often, it all depends on the duration of the cycle. Symptoms of a wide variety, from emotional to physical. And this is very difficult to get used to, because the symptoms may change throughout the reproductive age women. Everything you know about PMS?

• If speak about mental and emotional symptoms of PMS They can range from anxiety and tension to depression, mood swings, crying spells, anger, irritability, changes in appetite, you can also feel the hunger, insomnia, poor concentration and even some asotsializatsiyu.

The physical symptoms of premenstrual syndrome   This can be in pain in muscles and joints, headaches, weight gain, weakness, cramps, bloating, the sudden appearance of acne, the appearance of diarrhea and (or) constipation.

• There is a small percentage of women whose PMS symptoms are so severe that they are even defined in a separate disease. These symptoms are called premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and is the most severe form of PMS, which includes: a deep sense of bezyskhodnoti, depression, low self-esteem, anger attacks and extreme tension.

 Oh, this PMS!

• About 75% of women experience PMS to some extent.

• About 40% of women who experience PMS have severe symptoms that require treatment by a doctor.

• particularly severe form of PMS as premenstrual dysphoric disorder suffer from 3 to 8 percent of women. If doctors do not intervene in such states, these disorders can provoke not only a temporary mental fluctuations, and becomes chronic. Can cause extreme aggression, psychosis, increased blood sugar, suicide and even murder.

• For the first time officially PMS was diagnosed in 1931, while attempting to describe the symptoms known much earlier, and not just physicians. For example, Greek poet Simonides described the behavior of women with symptoms of PMS in 400 BC

• The exact cause of PMS has not yet been found.

• To date, doctors found more than 150 symptoms associated with PMS.

• PMS tends to deteriorate and go into the complex stages during periods of hormonal instability, such as the time after birth, puberty, after an abortion or miscarriage.

• PMS may appear at any time, from the time of puberty and ending with the onset of menopause.

• Not all women are constantly faced with PMS, but most are experiencing PMS symptoms to varying degrees.

 Oh, this PMS!

• Some of the symptoms of PMS can cause calcium deficiency and vitamin B, A and E.

• Women who have experienced postpartum depression, or occasionally suffer from depression have a higher chance of getting PMS.

• Lack of physical activity increases the risk of PMS.

• Medicine established various drugs, including plant origin (for example, on the basis of Hypericum), which can alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

• Women who have same-sex relationships have some relief from the symptoms of PMS. This fact proves once again how important it is to facilitate the understanding of the partner menstrual disorders. While the same research shows that the vast majority of women are not telling a partner about their experiences, and most men do not tend to associate irritability and mood swings partner with PMS.

 Oh, this PMS!

• The presence of job stress exacerbates the symptoms of PMS.

• There are studies that PMS affects mostly women in developed countries. For example, the psychological PMS symptoms have been observed among women in Asia, in India, in the Afro-Caribbean countries.

• Traditional Chinese gymnastics Qigong has a positive effect on the symptoms of PMS.

• In the UK PCA is a mitigating factor for sentencing women convicted of various serious crimes.
Author: Olga Larsen