What we need to know about diabetes
 Many signals of diabetes, whether it is diabetes type 1 or 2nd can be recognized almost immediately. And well, if you know the signals. This will help as soon as possible to consult a specialist and start to pay more attention to yourself and your health.

I offer you ten first signs of diabetes. Knowing about them, you can save lives, my or someone else's. Diabetes should be recognized in the early stages, then we can avoid serious complications. If you see at or near these features (in any combination), not too lazy to check blood sugar levels.

Top ten signs of diabetes:

1. You have become all too often go to the toilet.   Too frequent urination due to the large amount of glucose in the blood. When insulin is not enough or when it is ineffective, the kidneys are unable to filter glucose and deliver it back to the blood. Therefore, with an excess of glucose, kidney trying to drink water from the body to ease the excess glucose as to dilute it. This collected water, and fills the bladder. That is why you can spend half a day in the bathroom.

2. Often feel thirsty.   Even we can say constant thirst. It is also associated with an excess of glucose and water in the kidneys. When the kidneys take water from the body, I immediately needed to fill its reserves. The body constantly demands more water.

 What we need to know about diabetes
 3. Losing weight without dieting.   In type 1 diabetes, weight loss is rapid, and in type 2 diabetes - more gradually. Since the cells do not receive glucose, they are looking for alternative sources of energy. The only thing that remains - is to take energy from muscle and fat, so called rapid weight loss.

4. Fatigue and general weakness.   Glucose is taken by the body from food, then it is delivered to the cells by insulin. If the insulin is not working properly, the cells begin to starve, have received less glucose. A hungry cells - it was tired and weak body.

5. Numbness or tingling in the hands and feet.   This is due to nerve damage. High blood glucose damages the nervous system. However, people who have type 2 diabetes, this feature feels gradually, not immediately.

 What we need to know about diabetes
 6. Blurred vision.   High blood sugar causes bleeding in the retinal vessels, and they are damaged. The result - a weakened blood vessels, besides the liquid is not enough, his eyes swollen - and clarity of vision cleared. If this starts to happen, and time does not see a specialist, you can lose sight.

7. Dry skin, itching, peeling.   Dryness of the skin arises from a problem with the water, which occurs in the body due to diabetes. When the kidneys are "pull" water from the body, all other organs are affected. Because kidney drinking water from all of the skin as well.

8. Slow healing of wounds.   The wounds and bruises heal much more slowly due to the limited blood flow due to clogged arteries. Another reason for the slow healing of wounds - damage to the nervous system caused by diabetes. Sometimes it happens if struck nerves feet, then any injury, even serious, a person can not feel. Sensitivity is dulled considerably, you can not even notice the deep cut. And it is - one of the obvious signs of diabetes.

9. Fungal infections.   Excessive amounts of sugar can lead to the development of fungi in the gastro-intestinal tract. This in turn can lead to a vaginal fungal infections as well as infections of the gums, skin or urinary bladder. Eating foods that have natural sugars (those found in fruits), reduce the spread of a fungus that accumulates in the body.

10. Increased appetite.   Hunger is caused by a lack of insulin, which makes the body energetic. When the body lacks energy, it sends a signal requesting food. That is why many people with diabetes feel the need for food, even when they just finished eating.

But the main issue of concern: Is it possible to somehow prevent diabetes?   Scientists still do not give an exact answer, tablet or injection and this disease is no. However, experts say that type 2 diabetes for the most part, can be prevented. How? Constant maintenance of normal weight, proper nutrition and exercise. Naturally, much of this is easier said than done. But I decided a little help and produced some very simple techniques for the prevention of diabetes. Attack?

• Diet.   Make a schedule and stick to it. Eat at the same time each day. So, your body will get used to his "feed" all the time, and will not accumulate fat for later. It's also a wonderful way to control what you eat. Having a plan for the day ahead, you'll think through intuitive menus, which means that it will be a full meal, not casual snacks.

• Limited food.   Moreover, it is necessary to fully eat, but rather to reduce the size of servings. You yourself will understand in time that you do not need as much food as you cook. And read the labels on the right foods, pay attention not only on the composition but also its weight. For example, a serving of meat should be no more than 100 grams and not 250, as is often packed manufacturers.

 What we need to know about diabetes
 • Watch out for salt.   An excessive amount of salt is not conducive to the prevention of diabetes. Salt raises blood pressure and causes water retention. If you can not give up the salt, try to at least partially replace its spices. Now on the market there were many salt-free seasonings, pay attention to them.

• Eat slowly.   From the beginning of the meal must pass 20 minutes before the brain receives a command of the saturation of the stomach. At this time, you can eat a lot, is not it? So, if you want to keep moderation in eating, then eat as slowly as possible, then you will eat only what you need, not more.

 What we need to know about diabetes
 • Try a variety of products, diversify your diet.   Sometimes people do not eat a lot of hunger, but from what they something is missing, any product not in their power. A more correct to include in your diet a variety of products. Also, eat foods that are even called natural cures for diabetes - it's beans, broccoli, cinnamon, black pepper, olives.

• Drink more water.   The body consists mainly of water, it is known. And of course, when the body consumes something, the first thing he needed water to replenish their resources. Drinking lots of water - another great and cheapest way to prevent diabetes. At the same time, note that our body absorbs cold water better than warm, so keep a bottle or jug ​​of water in the refrigerator or on the windowsill. Why do you need a lot of water? The fact is that a lot of water is required for cleaning, waste transport, and only a small part of what we drink, it goes directly into the body itself. So important that a sufficient amount of moisture makes our skin young and beautiful.

• Take dancing.   Why is that? Dancing - it's a great way to get an adrenaline rush, he needs us, too. You can dance at home, you can entertain the dancing children can go to engage the group. This is a great load, which is accompanied by emotions.

• Get out of the street.   Not just to and from work. Really stands out, only to walk for fresh air. Bring it into your daily vocabulary. If you have a dog, this problem has been resolved.

• More than you walk.   One of the facts of diabetes is that only 30 minutes walking daily can prevent this disease. Be sure to go! It improves metabolism, it causes the entire body to normal, it gives strength!

 What we need to know about diabetes
 • Cardio load.   Include them in your daily life. Not bad, if you can ride a bike or running. Great if you're watching your favorite TV series, sitting on a stationary bike. But it can afford not all. Then start with at least failure of the elevator (first one-two floor climb on foot, not necessarily just ten).

Lost in thought about diabetes, knowing backfire, we often get a very big incentive to begin to engage in a little bit. All at one time start can be made. But it is obligatory to revise their diet and lifestyle. These two components can prevent many diseases, even such severe as diabetes, and, in addition, bring a lot of fun as a good skin, good mood, excellent performance.
Author: Julia Gnedina