 In summer the meadow grasses sway among white umbrellas bedrentsa. Coming closer, you can feel the smell of anise. That's what the people called bedrenets wild anise. Taste it too anise ... And our ancestors believed this plant is a symbol of spiritual and bodily purity.

Bedrenets-saxifrage - Pimpinélla saxífraga   - A perennial herb of the family of celery. Root bedrentsa has the shape of a spindle. Stem ribbed, branched, pretty slim, to 50-60cm. in height. At the base of the stem is a rosette of pinnate leaves.

Stem leaves openwork - pinnatipartite. Small white flowers are gathered in inflorescences - umbrellas. Bedrenets Blooms in July-August. Some plants winds a lot of bees and other insects, as bedrenets good honey plant. Previously, he specifically planted next to the apiaries. Fruits - rounded-ovate. They ripen in September.

 Bedrenets grows almost throughout the European part of Russia. You can meet him in the meadow, in the meadows, pastures, waste places, near roads.

Bedrenets very useful plant. It is used for medicinal, cosmetic and culinary purposes. In autumn dig up the roots bedrentsa for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

In cooking
In some countries, it is cultivated as an edible plant. In Russia, especially in the old days it was added to all kinds of umbrellas vegetable pickles.
In early September, tear umbrellas with seeds, which are used to add to the baking and cooking liquors.

In folk medicine,
Root bedrentsa contains vitamins B, C, sugar, fiber, essential oil, benzoic and acetic acid, saponins, furokumariny, tannins, pectins, aromatics, fatty oil, a bitter substance pimpinellin, gums, resins, salts of potassium, calcium.

The leaves contain: - carotene, vitamin C, fat, flavonoids. In the fruit - an essential oil.

Bedrentsa drugs have expectorant, astringent, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, blood-cleansing and diuretic. They are used in the treatment of cough, chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, asthma, pneumonia, kidney stones, with stones in the bladder, gout, adenoma, prostatitis, menstrual disorders, female diseases and gastric diseases.

Pharmaceutical industry from the roots of preparing teas and herbal teas.

- Broth
1st. spoon crushed roots and rhizomes bedrentsa pour 1 cup water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes, to insist in a thermos for 8 o'clock, drain, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Take 1 tablespoon every 2-3 hours.

Decoction and tincture bedrentsa has antifungal properties, and for one month killing all sexual infections.

The people root bedrentsa called "tooth roots", as if a piece of the root, put on the aching tooth, the pain goes away.

Bedrentsa decoction of the roots in the old wash body for protection from contagious diseases.

For beauty
Nowadays, the essential oil is used in the perfume industry in the manufacture of tooth powders, pastes, creams.

In the home cosmetics juice bedrentsa deduce freckles and age spots, greasing them or putting a piece of gauze soaked in the juice.

- Infusion of bedrentsa, cleansing the skin
1 teaspoon crushed roots of sugar and 1 cup hot water, insisting 4:00, filter, wash morning and evening.

- For contaminated skin
1st. spoon infusion or decoction mixed with one teaspoon of honey and 1st. spoon of cucumber juice, apply on face with a brush, or apply liquid soaked gauze. After 10 minutes, wash with water at room temperature.

- Broth for cleaning and refreshing bath
1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped root pour 2 cups boiling water, boil on low heat for half an hour, press 1 hour, drain, pour into a bath temperature not exceeding + 37 ° C. Take 10 minutes. After taking a bath is not wiped. You can wear a bathrobe or give liquid to dry herself.
Author: Natalia Alexeeva