This is the same Twiggy that in the 60 excited the public of its thinness, and after which the models have become almost "transparent"? Yes. But do not rush skeptical grin. Our heroine, who is over 60, ending her modeling career, has dedicated itself to us women.
How? - Ask. She wrote. She told me everything she knows they have learned from that failed to warn. Her article with tips for women on nutrition, health, style and way of life of the most famous glossy print edition. And now she has decided to join us grow old.
She wrote a book, which is dedicated to those who are over 40. This whole guide for women over 40: from tips on choosing a bra to the psychological and emotional aspects of a woman's life at this age. Twiggy said about how age has changed her. Very interesting are the tips on how to have to change clothes a woman who for 40. Let us also look through this book?
Age - does not mean rejection of the personality
"Fashion should serve us, not we to it - says Twiggy. - And the older we are, the more flavor we have to dress up! - Says the author. - I do not understand women who depressing about their age, and can not accept it. Being a woman in the age - that does not mean to be ugly! Age - does not mean rejection of the personality and fashion, it is not comfortable slippers and flannel tights! "
Generally, individuality - this is the idol worshiped by Twiggy from the very beginning of his life, and his thinness is also considered as an individual, it is not anyone to emulate, it was her "I".
"Why did I write this book? Because they get so many letters from women who cried out: "I can not go shopping! There's still only young! ". Actually, I do not go to all the stores, because most of them really young. But I want to tell you that to go there
! "
And now the famous Twiggy over 60 and it does not do Botox and does not resort to surgery and only her beauty recipe is a 9-hour sleep and the "Queen of individuality." And we study its advice on how to dress a woman must be over 40.
Wardrobe women 40+: The focus of the sleeve
We were lucky, and over the years the upper part of the body becomes more and more sexual. There is only a little bit of what follows over the years to hide. What is it and in what ways, I'll teach you.
The first thing that needs to change with age, it is -
. Buy these models:
• sleeve with pleats, gathered a little harmonica.
• Excellent solution - free sleeves gathered at the cuffs at the wrist. It is very feminine.
• T-shirt (T-shirts Free T-shaped cut), even if they have the sleeves are slightly below or above the elbow, short sleeves should be abandoned
• Cotton T-shirts with long tight sleeves. They look great on their own, but I wear a shirt and dress. I have a dress with cropped sleeves, I had never put on one, I feel disarmed because of the broad lines of the armhole. Under it always dress shirt with long sleeves and look great!
• Incredibly successfully fit shirt and models for ... pregnant women. You will not believe, but it's different things, they tend to make out a good chest and translucent linen.
• three quarter sleeve - a very sexy! This sleeve hides all the imperfections of age, at the same time exposing the part of the hand and making it a very attractive and even a little extra volume conceals if you have one.
Wardrobe 40+ women: T-shirts
I prefer shirts only from 100% cotton. For skin is much better than all of these things with Lycra and elastin. I buy only T-shirts with long sleeves and wear them under his shirt, pulling sure cuff from the cuff of his shirt. Or - my favorite version - I wear a T-shirt with gypsy skirts, as well as with tunics and vests. As such, I feel very young. Only T-shirt should not be thick!
Neckline - it is one of our most important weapons. Treat serious choice! V-neck seems to me the best solution for us. It is good for a full chest and small.
Wardrobe women 40+: Knitwear
Knitwear - a great clothing for ladies between the ages! It can hide the extra folds, completeness, or may present in the best way all your dignity. I recommend a must-have in your wardrobe
. I wear it over a shirt, and jeans. If you can not show off a good waist, choose a cardigan with a belt. It can not tie, but it will issue a good figure. If you have heavy thighs, then do not zip up cardigan if it's too fitting, it will only spoil your figure.
Wardrobe women 40+: Jeans
I'm not giving up jeans with age. Only need to choose the right model. So, my rules:
• We do not need a low waistline. Jeans and so tend to fall down a little bit, especially when we sit down.
• Again I advise Jeans for pregnant women. It is well decorated tummy.
• I like corduroy jeans, as well as any jeans with vertical stripes.
• If you can not choose your model, try men's jeans, they are often well-tailored and may be suitable for some types of female figures.
• If you like jeans, but do not like the way they look at you around the waist and thighs - wearing long shirts and cardigans.
• When buying jeans - they certainly try on. Many manufacturers have different size scales, often write sizes on your own system.
• It is good for us a model with a high waist, a small belly is necessary to cover jacket or sweater.
• I do not like the back pockets of his jeans, they do not decorate, so choose the model without back pockets, you will also advise.
Wardrobe women 40+: Skirts
Gypsy skirts
! You can hide underneath everything that confuses you in your figure. They look great with a tight T-shirt and a wide belt. And in the winter they can be easily worn with voluminous sweater.
Gypsy skirts never go out of fashion. Besides, they are sexual! A great option: a gypsy skirt, tote bag, fitting T-shirt and jacket.
Pencil skirt
Oddly enough, this is also a good solution for maturing women. If you are somewhat plump, then this skirt looks very sexy. Better to choose a length just below the knee, sure to wear heels and you are - the spitting image of Marilyn Monroe. Tummy can be made less noticeable by a wide belt.
- Do not Miss this model. Kilt perfectly complement your winter wardrobe. They look just fabulous with a black turtleneck, black tights, boots and a big bag.
Mini skirts
, Though suited to owners of slender legs, but I still would have abstained from such a choice. It is better to choose a skirt just above the knee and wear their best only with opaque tights. And if you can not live without mini, here's a great option: a tunic with skinny jeans.
Wardrobe women 40+: Pantyhose
I have never in my youth was not wearing pantyhose. If I wanted to show legs, just put on a mini to their tanned legs. But now - is another matter. For me, nothing is more stylish than black sweater and skirt, black boots and a wide colored tights. Now I do not have a pair of transparent or bodily tights, but there is a whole collection of colored plain tights: purple, lavender, fuchsia, jade, burgundy, chocolate brown.
Wardrobe women 40+: Trousers
For women pants wardrobe is more important than the skirt. And even if you do not wear trousers, at least one pair of classic black trousers you should be. Trousers aged may hide many of our imperfections, so I advise you not to abandon them.
In combination with a white blouse, they can make you a great set: for parties, and for the work and for shopping.
And yet ... I do not advise to underestimate tuxedo. For women over 40 - a saving part of the wardrobe! Elegant, beautiful, feminine! And incredibly multi-functional: in the office, and visit.
Wardrobe women 40+: Footwear
I probably like you, I can not pass up a good pair of shoes. So I have a lot of shoes. But I advise you to focus on only a few models that are appropriate almost everywhere and save any situation.
Cowboy boots
- It is something without which I could not do without. They can be worn with jeans, gypsy skirts. They are very comfortable. And they look very unusual and definitely distinguish you from the crowd.
Stockings, boots
. It can be high-heeled boots. These I wear a sweater dress as well as jeans. Low-heeled shoes - I wear these with jeans (jeans tucked into them) are good boots with laces on the button - it looks very interesting.
. I love shoes by type men. They add charm. Also look good loafers and ballet flats. But still advise to buy shoes a little bit interesting and unusual patterns, it will emphasize your individuality.
