Clinique of stress and skin
 Under the influence of stress of the skin barrier function is impaired, which makes it more sensitive to minor damage, and as a consequence, its barrier is disturbed further.

In recent years, scientists have learned a lot about the impact on the skin severe stress. Simply put, we now know that acute stress can cause damage to the skin, but we have yet to learn how these lesions appear, and what we can do to address them. Most research on the psychological stress of the skin and pay great attention to the instability of the barrier homeostasis (barrier function), wound healing and the immune system of the skin. Disorders caused by stress, severe enough to cause health effects such as reducing the immune response to the vaccine, slowing down the process of wound healing, increased risk of infectious diseases.

Under the influence of stress, the barrier function of the skin is also broken, making it more sensitive to minor damage, and as a consequence, its barrier is disturbed further.
  Increased risk of violations of the barrier is accompanied by a slowdown in the recovery processes, which leads to many negative consequences. Special immune cells of the skin are needed to combat microbial infection and eliminate precancerous cells that arise under the influence of the sun. When stress these immune cells located in the epidermis are damaged, due to which bacteria and viruses begin to actively proliferate, causing infections that increase the risk of cancer.

Q. What is stress?

The word "stress" refers to a number of phenomena, but from a medical point of view, this term is used to describe the physical and psychological effects, which cause a physiological response. Stress is engaged in a specific area of ​​medicine that studies the link between psychological stress and skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema, urticaria, acne and warts.

Q. What is acute stress, and how to determine its extent?

Stress, of which we speak, may be characterized as acute or chronic. The distinctive features of each type of stress is its duration and intensity. Acute stress lasts a certain amount of time, a few hours or even minutes. For example, many are experiencing acute stress when the exams, or rush to the very important meeting, aircraft, etc. Chronic stress longer, it may be the cause of serious health problems or prolonged financial difficulties.
From a medical point of view, we can evaluate the acute stress, testing aspects such as blood pressure, cortisol, certain inflammatory molecules.

Q. How stress is associated with aging?

It is worth mentioning that the hypothesis that the physical or psychological stress accelerates the aging process, because it causes or enhances an inflammatory response. Experts believe that chronological aging and physiological stress can together cause internal damage that will become visible externally. Aging can be regarded as the accumulation of damage. First, they only occur at the molecular level, and then accumulate and become visible (age spots, sagging skin, wrinkles, folds, etc.). Aging - a phenomenon which occurs gradually, it is the "chronological".
