Hair removal and technical progress
 Feminine beauty traditionally implies the absence of body hair. This is especially important in summer when the legs, underarms and bikini area accessible gaze of others. Fighting with hair in these areas have to almost all of the fair sex, although there are a small number of women (mostly natural blondes), whose body hairs are almost invisible and do not require removal.

Before the invention of epilators women had to use a razor blade to give a short-term effect and also often lead to skin irritation. When was invented wax method of hair removal, many women are relieved, but then I realized how much it hurts, and began to look for other ways to deal with hair on the body. There were first depilatories. Manufacturers praised the long-term effects of their use, and offered to remove painful cold gel ice pack and other methods based mainly on cooling. The fact that a lot of hair after depilation grow carefully glossed over, the focus is only on the effectiveness of hair removal.

When there are ways to remove unwanted hair like electrolysis hair removal and light   (It includes laser and epilation), women have realized that they are much safer and, most importantly, have no side effects. However, these quick and painless procedure be available only secured the ladies, because they were carried out mainly in the expensive beauty salons. Recently, things have changed - epilation of the highest quality available to everyone in the house.

 Hair removal and technical progress

Laser hair removal at home

Photoepilator HPLight intended for home use. This machine technology is implemented Home Pulsed Light ™ Which allows us to achieve an effect comparable to the effect of using a professional high-power systems. HPlight powered from the mains voltage of 220 V, so it can work as long as you want without recharging. Removal of hair on the legs takes about 30 minutes. Suffice 8-12 sessions to unwanted hair gone forever and no longer annoy you.

So, how does a home photoepilator? The method of hair removal is based on the theory of the so-called selective photothermolysis . The radiation pulse energy, which can be compared with the flash, affects the hair. It creates a thermal effect, and it destroys the follicle (bulb) hair. The skin is not heated, as the radiated light energy can be absorbed only by the melanin contained in the hair shaft. If a lot of melanin (and its amount can be determined on the natural hair color - the darker the hair, the more melanin), photo-epilation is very effective if the hair is blond or vellus, photoepilator will produce little effect. For this reason, it is best to remove photoepilator coarse black hair.

What are the technical characteristics HPLight?

 Hair removal and technical progress

- A wavelength range from 475-1200 nm HPLight is what is best for hair removal;

- The maximum radiation energy is 5 J / cm2, which guarantees the safety of your skin and your sight;

- The size of the light spot at HPLight is 2 cm by 3 cm (6 square centimeters), which allows you to delete a greater number of hairs in less time;

- Speed ​​- 1 pulse every 3, 5 seconds, 1, 7 cm2 / s - allows for hair removal as quickly as possible;

- The size of HPLight is only 23h23h13 that makes it easy to move it;

- The time required to remove the hair on the legs, is about 30 minutes;

- Sound, which publishes works HPLight, no louder noise hair dryer;

- Clinical results HPLight depending on skin type and hair type are comparable with the results of systems of high intensity light sources (IPL). With HPLight can safely remove the hair on skin types IV of light chestnut to black.

What should be taken into account to be effective epilation?

Do not use photoepilator face. Many girls suffer from a fused eyebrows or hair on the upper lip, but photoepilator HPlight to fix these problems, it is better not to use. The cause of outbreaks, which in close proximity to the eyes harmful to vision. However, if you use HPLight only on the body, your eyes will be safe and without goggles: elaborate photoepilator principle of the safety switch and built - a guarantee that the energy pulsed radiation is produced only when it is exposed directly to the hair.

 Hair removal and technical progress

Never use photoepilator HPlight on tanned skin. After a visit to the beach or the solarium must be at least 28 days, otherwise photoepilator can cause burns and other injuries. Moreover, photoepilator not use if your skin is dark from birth. The reason for this is that melanin, which action is directed photoepilator contained in the cells of the skin, and, the dark skin, the melanin more. If your skin tone I to V for the color table, you have nothing to fear: in modern hair removal systems provide cooling the skin during the procedure - it avoids the possible discomfort of heat and prevent the possibility of burns.

 Hair removal and technical progress

It is not recommended to use HPlight, if the intended on-site hair removal is:

- Tattoos;
- Moles, birthmarks and other dark education;
- Eczema, psoriasis, open wounds, herpes, etc. D .;
- phlebeurysm.

It is also not recommended for photoepilation during pregnancy and lactation, epilepsy, if you have a pacemaker, and in some other cases.

It is necessary to prepare the hair for hair removal. Armpits is to shave 1-2 days before the procedure, and the hands and feet - 3 days. Code must be clean and free of deodorants, antiperspirants and powders. In addition, about 2 weeks before the procedure should eliminate any medications that have photosensitizing effect (antibiotics and tranquilizers). After hair removal for several weeks you should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, and during the first three days did not use the sauna and swimming pool.

 Hair removal and technical progress
  Hair removal and technical progress

Why should you buy HPLight?

Having HPlight, you can not go for hair removal in beauty salons, aesthetic medicine clinic, etc., and carry out the procedure of hair removal at any time, right at home. Cost of a single flash HPLight house is only 5, 5 rubles, while in beauty salons, it costs about 50 rubles. Buying a home photoepilator, you can conduct full hair removal session for less than 200 rubles.

In addition, you can buy photoepilator chipped with a friend - it makes photoepilation even cheaper, and you can use the device at a time (it is easy to move from house to house) or together (for example, during a hen).

No need to spend more time and money on a campaign in the beauty salon or by hair removal at home, suffer pain. Home photoepilator solve all your problems.

Buy HPLight can the online store "Beauty Club". Photoepilator HPLight delivered free of charge throughout Russia.