Dilute your normal procedure for applying make-up of our advice and the stunning beauty products.
Tired of annoying horse tails and smooth pink lipstick? This season, it's time to switch to the spa skin care, red lipstick, sweet food for the body, what you will be our advice to you, the most beautiful and charming.
1. Go to the red
The fastest way to change your look - draw plump lips a bright shade of red lipstick. Modern lipstick offer a rich, long lasting, with nothing comparable color in elegant, refined tubes.
 L'Oreal Paris Infallible Never Fail Lipcolour
2. Line the eye
Liquid liner attached to any image of ultra-sophistication and alluring.
 CoverGirl LineExact Liquid Liner Pen, hue Very Black
3. The natural glow
Add shine and clarity of your face using a light, shimmering loose powder.
 L'Oreal Paris Bare Naturale All-Over Mineral Glow
4. Strengthen the skin tone
Choose a light moisturizer that will reduce the pigmentation of the skin and protect it from the destructive action of the sun.
5. Take care of skin
Cosmetic procedures for the face - quite expensive, but you can create a spa atmosphere even at home using the warm-up and moisturizers for washing. The skin becomes radiant in a few minutes.
 Olay Warming Hydrating Cleanser
6. shine
Add healthy hair with the help of air conditioning and moisturizing shining spray containing extracts of marine algae.
7. Makes Waves
Try to make wavy hair, securing them with wax that provides shine and a natural look.
 Pantene Pro-V Texturize Moussing Foam Wax
8. Get a dazzling smile while sleeping
Protect your mouth from germs throughout the night with toothpaste, which is specifically designed to improve the condition of the teeth while they whiten while you sleep.
9. Moisturize! Moisturize! Moisturize!
With age, hormonal changes can lead to dry skin. Your face needs a moisturizer that contains vitamins and prevents it from aging, soothing and smoothing.
 Olay Total Effects Mature Skin Therapy Moisturizer
10. "Pshik" sexy fragrance
This fall, choose lighter scents captivate you and your loved ones.
 Victoria's Secret Secret Garden Eau de Toilette in Strawberries and Champagne
11. Perfect Polishing
Forget the phrase "almost my color" in the selection of foundation, these shades make you pale and dim. Choose a darker tone, but rather with several sets of shades, which can be combined.
 Clinique Supermoisture Makeup
12. Laugh
 Numerous experiments have shown that laughter lowers blood pressure, improves the immune system and improves mood. Let's laugh - it's contagious and lovely.
13. Take care of the eyebrows
 Well-groomed eyebrows are the basis of the whole person and collect the whole image. If you recently have forgotten about them, it's time to pick up the tweezers.
14. Dark Shadows
Instead of tracing the eyes jet-black liner, try a more muted, unexpected shades of purple and bronze along the centuries and under the lash line.
15. Treat your face
Soak a towel in warm water, make a compress on your face and massage it accurate movements - so you clean the pores. Later, mix the orange juice and baking soda mixture and use as a scrub to restore skin radiance. The main thing - just to wash off the scrub, so as not to cause irritation to the skin.
16. Smooth, silky hair
During menopause, women experience hormonal changes that almost 50 per cent cut production of sebum on your head. This leads to dry and brittle hair. To solve the problem, you can use moisturizing products designed specifically for mature hair.
 Dove Advanced Care Sheer Moisture Therapy Anti-Frizz Finishing Cream
17. Find the moment
 True beauty comes when you are able to stop and evaluate what is going on around you. Do not forget to take care not only for themselves but also for the environment in which you live. Enjoy life!
18. dispenses with Botox
Simple and sexy alternative to Botox injections in the forehead - to cut bangs. Ask your stylist, so he made a soft edge and upgraded bangs hairstyle. So you turn your attention from the forehead.
19. Take care of hair exposed to chemical perms
At its core, the hair exposed to chemical wave, are very dry and brittle. Therefore, every two weeks, use a deep conditioner to restore and strengthen damaged hair.
20. Focus on the positive
 Compliment yourself and people around you. Just a few pleasant words - and you immediately breaks into a smile, and become even more beautiful.