That was cold, and therefore, it is time not only to get warm clothes, but also to clean audit in his purse. After all, it is no secret that for the warm and cold seasons set of tools for the care of a mine. And if the summer we are drawn to light texture, shine and glitter in the winter, you want something more saturated and caregiver.
Masking disadvantages.
Many in the winter faced with the problem of dry skin. Fat becomes normal, normal - dry, dry - even more dry. Therefore, depending on the condition of the skin you need to find a tool that will contain a good nourishing and moisturizing complex, because many of the skin begins to peel and fall off layers of makeup. In winter, better to abandon the matting agents, or agents for oily skin, as they have a withering effect.
Of course, the question is purely personal, but try to expand the boundaries of the search. Means for oily skin - it is not always saved.
Substitution tone means is important not only because of temperature changes, but also due to the fact that the skin color changes. Leave behind the next will not soon, and even with regular visits to the solarium, hue becomes different. According to the rules of good taste, the color should fits you perfectly, not yellow and does not whitewash you.

In the cold season do not forget to care for your skin. Cleans and moisturizes. Then cosmetics would be better to go to bed and stay longer.
But not only the cream will help to align the skin. In the winter, as well, and in the summer, I recommend to buy a primer. In the summer it keeps makeup in place and does not allow him to sail in the neck, and in the winter - retains moisture and does not allow the skin to even think about how to give the exfoliating layer.
Another problem - at a pale and dry skin become visible flaws: redness, dark circles under the eyes, etc. Therefore concealer also does not hurt. And if the foundation we put a thin layer, then concealer can be applied generously. Do not abuse the powder, especially before going out, because it dries.
Among the new products in 2012 include:
1. Chanel Vitalumière Aqua Ultra-Light Skin Perfecting Makeup
2. Yves Saint Laurent Le Teint Touche Éclat
3. Clinique Acne Solutions Liquid Makeup
4. Lancôme Teinte Idole Ultra 24H
5. Givenchy Photo Perfexion

All these funds have varying degrees of coverage, the direction of action. Decent reviews can be found on the foundation more than budget brands. If you're like I was in a perpetual search for the experiments and the one and only means of tone, then do not be afraid to experiment and read reviews. The price tag - is not indicative of what you'll be delighted!
In winter you need to stock up as a normal ink and water-resistant. After all, the severe frosts and snowfalls regular mascara runs down treacherous. It is worth remembering that the waterproof mascara should be removed by special means, otherwise you can pull out all the cilia. Incidentally, there is a carcass, which is washed at the temperature of 3 degrees, i.e. on the street, they do not leak. So if you do not want to waterproof, try this.
Lips and cheeks.
Chapped lips - are common in the winter. So do not forget to use the balm or lipstick. Modern lipstick contain a well cared complex, which will take care of your lips in the cold.
As for blush, you should not abuse them, and try to give preference to creamy texture, as they further moisturize and immediately fall evenly on the skin. As for colors, the note is not very bright. Since the street under the influence of temperature and so we turn into Marfa, and if still blush red, then there Marfusha and Santa Claus.
A bit of fashion ...
When it comes to cosmetic update, it would be desirable to add some new color. If you have not yet decided what we add, then here's the food ...
Let's start with the eyes. The most relevant for eye makeup colors are: brown, black, gold, blue and green. It destroys the myth, about what makeup style smokey-eyes can only be black and white. Use the gradation of colors and you will get a natural effect with brown shades, and more expressive and vibrant with green and blue.

Also relevant arrow. The most different widths. Draw with a pencil, eyeliner shades. Color not only classic black. Experiment.
If you do not like to allocate the eye, then highlight the lips. In the trend: dark red and plum shades of lipstick. Relevant not only to the classic versions of lipstick, but dull. The main thing that the lips were bright.
And the most important rule! Or lips or eyes!