Tell a funny story in which you got with her boyfriend romantic and win the prize - tickets for you and your friends for a night comedy show with one of the most romantic comedies, the "La chance de ma vie"!
Each couple in love, there are cases that they remember with a smile. Maybe it's a funny episode that you introduced. Or maybe it's a story in which you have got together, but after a very long laugh ...
You also have a funny accident? Then tell us about it. The best stories will win a nice surprise - going to the movies in the "Night of Comedy" and DVD sets with romantic films. Invite your loved one to the unusual kinovecherinku.
Five contestants
Whose stories will be the most ridiculous, will receive three invitations for two persons on the "Night of comedy."
And besides, all five winners will
- Sets DVD disc with a selection of romantic movies.
What is a "comedy night"?
This evening of romantic comedies
July 23, 2011
. You will see at once three comedies:
- "La chance de ma vie"
- "Lay low in Dublin"
- "Seductive"
Entertain guests will be a DJ, a music program with competitions, a light buffet.
Venue - Moscow, IMAX. Gathering guests at 23:30. Home show at midnight.
If you are in Moscow or planning to be in the capital on July 23 and may want to please your friends and relatives from Moscow - win for themselves or for their tickets to the comedy night.
Terms of the contest:
: Competition is held on the portal beauty MyCharm.ru from 11 July to 20 July 2011 inclusive.
July 21 will announce the winners.
Winners of the contest:
five sets of invitations to the "Night of Comedy" and five sets of DVD discs. Winners send us your contact details. Organizers of the event associated with the winners to hand over a prize just before the party.
How to participate in the competition:
Go to the forum MyCharm. Here are the contest page http://forum.mycharm.ru/viewtopic.php? p = 37578 # 37578. Here, leave your funny stories by clicking on the "answer" or in the form of "quick response." Number of stories from the participant is not limited. The most active participants will have an advantage in receiving prizes. Not only can you do to participate, but also to comment on the stories of others. Incorrect entries will be deleted.
Good luck!
