How to reduce the amount of nitrates in vegetables?
 Nitrates - is nothing more than a salt of nitric acid, which plants absorb almost all of the land as a necessary biological element. Vegetables do not contain nitrates in general, you will not find another question - how many nitrates they contain. If the vegetables were grown using large amounts of fertilizers, particularly nitrate, such a product contains a very large amount of nitrates. However, the main cause of poisoning - not themselves nitrates and nitrites, which they converted, getting into the human body.

It nitrites, getting into the blood, causing oxygen starvation, disrupt the digestive tract and even significantly increase the risk of cancer.

To avoid eating vegetables rich with nitrates, it is necessary to know some of the features. For example, most of the nitrate contained in radish early - due to the fact that this vegetable is pulling out of the land with the water themselves nitrates. Sometimes the level of nitrates in the radish up to 80%! This principle applies not only radish, and other root vegetables.

 How to reduce the amount of nitrates in vegetables?

Avoid nitrate poisoning is possible, if properly selected and processed vegetables:

1)   Pick ripe vegetables - they are much less nitrates. But do not throw in the large fruit, because if a vegetable is unusual size, it only means that its cultivation were applied various kinds of fertilizer.

2)   Before cooking, place the vegetables in a bowl of cold water for half an hour so that the water covered them completely. This will help to reduce the nitrate content of about 15%.

3)   If you are going to eat vegetables raw, then they need to be properly cleaned. In carrots, beets, radishes and tomatoes should be cut off the top and bottom, and cut the cabbage stalks and remove the first 2-3 of the sheet.

4)   Green has the least amount of nitrates, but still worth it to avoid the use of stalks, preferring only leaves.

5)   Otvarivaya vegetables, choose any dish, except for aluminum, because aluminum contributes to the transformation of nitrates into nitrites are dangerous to health.

6)   When cooking part of the nitrate is destroyed, and the rest goes into the broth. Therefore, otvarivaya potatoes, pour the broth is better, which contains about 30-40% of nitrates. It is advisable to pour the broth from the carrots, potatoes and beets immediately, because as the cooling of nitrates are absorbed back. It is necessary to avoid the use of vegetable broth or cooking them from pre-fried or braised vegetables on a small fire.

 How to reduce the amount of nitrates in vegetables?

The main ways to remove nitrates:

• With the potatoes, cut the thick peel, then soak for several hours in a 1% solution of ascorbic acid and salt. About 1: 100. Drain the water first after cooking, so you can greatly reduce the amount of nitrates.

• radishes, like potatoes, peel and soak in the solution.

• Before using in food raw beets, pour over boiling water over it.

• Any greens (fennel, spinach, parsley, lettuce, etc.) Soak for an hour in cold water.

• We cut the melon and watermelon rind, as can be thicker.

• Tomatoes are the most difficult to get rid of nitrates, so try to choose ripe fruit is medium in size.

• Store vegetables in the refrigerator only: at room temperature, the amount of nitrates increases significantly.

• Also, do not store long chopped vegetable salads. The chopped vegetables nitrate formation accelerated by the activity of microorganisms.

• When cooking vegetables do not cover the pan with a lid. Part of nitrates will go along with the steam.

 How to reduce the amount of nitrates in vegetables?

Undoubtedly, thermal processing of vegetables reduces not only the number of nitrates, but also the amount of vitamins, but if and to choose between two evils, then, of course, smaller.
Author: Jan Kolosovskaya