Daily stress, poor diet and lack of privacy - the main factors that are destroying our health and beauty, and vice versa - the harmony with the world and ourselves, the food, rich in vitamins and minerals, they are doing a truly wonders.
Several amazing and effective ways to adapt to any changes.
The activity strengthens bones
After 30 bones begin to lose their density and strength, and it can lead to serious consequences. You also know that the risk of acquiring osteoporosis throughout life increases to 50%.
But you do not want to be a runner or a powerful athlete, to build bone mass. Moderate activity - taking the stairs, carrying a child in her arms, or packages with products - can help prevent bone loss.
We offer a plan to strengthen bones
Flying in stooping: Sit up straight in a chair, feet flat on the floor, arms straight. Hold the weight in each hand, pull them right in front of you with palms arranged "face" to each other, and slightly bend your elbows; lean slightly forward 7 - 12 centimeters. Move your hands back as far as possible at the expense of 2 and hold for 2 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position at the expense of 4; Repeat 8 times. Rest for 1 minute and try again.
Leg raises aside put on ankle weights and lie on your right side. Lift the right foot, leaving the left line. Keep your head with your right hand and the left put forward for balance. On the count of 2 lift your left leg about two feet, holding her to score 1, and slowly lower to the account 4; do 8 reps, then turn over and do 8 reps on the right leg. Rest for 1 minute, and repeat.
Chest press: Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor, holding a dumbbell on each hand and place them on the sides. Squeeze the weight up the account 2, holding the palm facing the feet, then slowly lower to the account 4; do 8 reps, rest for 1 - 2 minutes and take another approach.
Let's drink to your heart
One in three women dies of a heart defect. To avoid such a "final" can, thanks to healthy practices like exercise or refrain from 400g fat meat or potato chips.
However, following the alcoholic habits (easy!), You can actually prevent heart disease. A middle aged man with no addiction to alcohol, which begins to consume it in moderate amounts, 38% reduces the risk of heart attack or heart attack as opposed to the non-drinker. Let's say even more: those who drank a glass of wine a day, a 68% reduced risk of heart disease.
Improve the tone of the heart, drinking a glass of wine a day. But no more: increasing the number of established norms of alcohol, you increase the risk of hypertension, liver disease, breast cancer, and the propensity to addiction. Of course, even one glass a day may not be suitable for all - consult with your doctor to make sure that all is well.
Sweet dream
You need 7-9 hours of sleep for normal body function, from the maintenance of memory and ending with the protection of cardiac function and to ensure a neat waist.
Replace lost sleep nap during the day can also be helpful, as well as a good night's sleep. Studies have shown that sleep division into segments is not only useful, but also provides
intellectual and physical gain that you get with the full eight-hour sleep. "If you do not sleep for one - two nights, a 20-minute short dreams these days is essential. If you have a chronic sleep deprivation, you need a 90-minute sleep during the day. "
We form the right plan. A good sleep is preceded by a massage or relaxing treatments. Many salons practiced similar services. Of course, you can always sleep at home or in the office, only to find a secluded place where you will not be disturbed.
Useful waist fruit
Belly fat can harm your health. Waist greater than 90 centimeters may increase the chances of heart disease, diabetes, or heart attack.
 Try to eat an apple a day - people who eat apples significantly reduces this risk. Add the sliced apples in chicken salad, fry the apples as an additive to chicken breast or pork tenderloin, apple sauce, replace half of the olive oil or butter in baking, dilute the salad dressing or marinade apple sauce. Another trick: Put the apples in dry scrambled eggs, to add sweetness and nutrients into your breakfast.
Vegetables in the fight against cancer
You probably know that some women are genetically more prone to the appearance of breast cancer than others.
But did you know that the consumption of broccoli and cauliflower can reduce the risk of breast cancer if you have a specific genetic sensitivity? A recent study in China showed that women who were genetically
predisposed to breast cancer, reduced the risk of developing cancer by almost 50%, following a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, and so on). "These vegetables - one of the richest sources of some of the chemicals are an important tool in the fight against cancer," - says the author of the research Jay Fouk (Jay Fowke), doctor, assistant professor of medicine and cancer epidemiologist at the center of the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center.
Be calm for your breasts, consuming cruciferous vegetables raw is the best way to get the most benefit from them, says Fouk. But cooked and they are also very useful.